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I have 63K miles on my 05 Legacy...I can't find in my book where it talks about replacing the timing belt. Anyone have any information? I swear every time I go for service it seems like I need SOMETHING...can't just get away with an oil change. Also, they tried to sell me a fuel system cleaner yesterday for $109....is it worth it? They said it would improve gas mileage.


Thanks for a reply, you all have been very helpful in the past and I appreciate it!


Happy Monday! :)

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First and foremost, do not purchase the fuel system cleaner..I used to be a service writer, it is a cash cow, nothing more. As far as your timing belt, what model is your Legacy (2.5i or 2.5GT). In either case, and anyone correct me if I am wrong, it shouldn't need a thought until the 90k service. And while they are in there, they will change the water pump and oil seals for good luck...

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some dealers gouge you..this is why i hate dealers....they are making money off of you and offer you nothing. my cousin has an outback and gets it all dealer maintained. CRAZY....every single time she goes in it's about a $200 bill at least..sometimes closer to a grand, i can show them to you. it's insane what all they've charged her for...thousands of dollars extra on a 2002 wagon. 90,000 miles and she's had so much stuff done to that car you'd think it's a POS if you looked at the stack. then you see it's all unecessary when you look at the bills. they quoted her $699 for timing belt change, i did it for cost of parts. fuel cleaner - no way. at 63,000 that's crazy talk. if you want to pay them $109 to add $4 worth of fluid that isn't necessary and you can do yourself, then it certainly won't hurt your car.


105,000 mile timing belt for you.

have fun at the dealer, as for me they can kiss my backside.

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