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Some New Pipes


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Well. with the help of 78turbobrat, we finally had some exhaust done up for teh wagon. No pics of it yet, but it does have a nice tip:D




2.5 Inch from the turbo back. High flow muffler that is 2.5 inch in and out (not a straight through muffler)


The IC piping was redone at the same time. got rid of the crappy stock WRX Y pipe at the bottom of the IC. They made a new steel Y. Teh wagon seems very happy about it:clap:





OVerall, boost is smoother, throttle response is better and the car sounds killer!@@!!

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Tidy setup there, too bad about the DP shot. Is it a custom job?

I have 2 Twagon's, one with 2.5" from the TWE DP back and the other with 3".

There is a noticeable difference in throttle response, barely, but the 2.5" exhaust doesn't have nearly as much turbo whine as does the 3".

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  Caboobaroo said:
That was one thing I noticed with my TD04 is the whine is extremely loud. I like it. In combination with the BOV and the flutter from the turbo when I let out of the throttle, I get all giddy inside...:banana:



i noticed that the otherday when i got it running, man i love it.


the sound of the bov and turbo when i shift makes me think "skyline" and then i giggle like a school girl. :lol::headbang: it makes me happy, and with the nisan injectors, its a world of difference.

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Any chance of some more BOV piccys and some plumbing info?

I'm thinking once I get the XT goin sweet some half assed blow off valve + uber loud exhaust would really confuse (and probably disapoint) the people looking for the WRX or turbo legacy that are normally seen rolling round here.

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  waimaks said:
Any chance of some more BOV piccys and some plumbing info?

I'm thinking once I get the XT goin sweet some half assed blow off valve + uber loud exhaust would really confuse (and probably disapoint) the people looking for the WRX or turbo legacy that are normally seen rolling round here.


The BOV is a Go fast Bits valve. Got it from a board member. Generally I don't recommend venting to the atmosphere, but my stock WRX recirc valve crapped out and this was a good deal.. add to that the fact that I have thus far been too lazy to redisign the recirc routing, and you get 100% ATM.


Not sure I have any more pics of the BOV.. Never gave it much thought.. It looks like a BOV *shrug*;)


The piping for the IC is 100% custom. The guy who did it, Made a new y pipe (under the IC), instead of trying to work in the piece of crap the WRX comes stock with.


At stock boost, I guarantee it would not disappoint someon looking for an old school turbo legacy. A little more boost and I surprise the occasional WRX owner as well.



Oh, and since I forgot, Kudos to Daniel at Jerry's exhaust in Lewisville, TX. He did a spectacular job on the exhaust and IC piping!

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  calebz said:
The BOV is a Go fast Bits valve. Got it from a board member. Generally I don't recommend venting to the atmosphere, but my stock WRX recirc valve crapped out and this was a good deal.. add to that the fact that I have thus far been too lazy to redisign the recirc routing, and you get 100% ATM.


Not sure I have any more pics of the BOV.. Never gave it much thought.. It looks like a BOV *shrug*;)


The piping for the IC is 100% custom. The guy who did it, Made a new y pipe (under the IC), instead of trying to work in the piece of crap the WRX comes stock with.


At stock boost, I guarantee it would not disappoint someon looking for an old school turbo legacy. A little more boost and I surprise the occasional WRX owner as well.



Oh, and since I forgot, Kudos to Daniel at Jerry's exhaust in Lewisville, TX. He did a spectacular job on the exhaust and IC piping!


I got my BOV vented to the atmosphere and there seems to be no issue with it. Granted, I think I got a TPS problem but that causes hesitation before boost. I even still have the turbo flutter in the intake as well which i love.


Ok now that it seems like I hijacked the thread a bit, when are we gonna see some of under the car as well? Maybe a couple of that new y-pipe:D

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  Caboobaroo said:
I got my BOV vented to the atmosphere and there seems to be no issue with it. Granted, I think I got a TPS problem but that causes hesitation before boost. I even still have the turbo flutter in the intake as well which i love.


Ok now that it seems like I hijacked the thread a bit, when are we gonna see some of under the car as well? Maybe a couple of that new y-pipe:D


When I get around to getting the car off the ground, I'll get pics of the exhaust.. SHould be soon.


Y pipe? Not likely any time soon.. I would have to take the IC off to do it, and since its working so nicely, I don't want to mess with it.

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  calebz said:
When I get around to getting the car off the ground, I'll get pics of the exhaust.. SHould be soon.


Y pipe? Not likely any time soon.. I would have to take the IC off to do it, and since its working so nicely, I don't want to mess with it.


yeah I know the feeling. Mine finally works pretty good and I don't really want to mes with it too much but I gotta cause she's still not running right. Oh well:rolleyes:


My new exhaust should be here before too long. Got it off of a board member on NASIOC:banana:

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  waimaks said:
Soo, Just Plumb er in somewhere between, Mr Turbo and Throttle body, Where does the tube that sets it off (or what ever that other tube is) go to?


Hmm.. yeah..


Gonna have to say you lost me with that one.

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  waimaks said:
Soo, Just Plumb er in somewhere between, Mr Turbo and Throttle body, Where does the tube that sets it off (or what ever that other tube is) go to?


pick a line that vac/boost sensative. ie: line for boost gauge.

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Caleb, I am curious, how much boost are you running out of the TD04? Isnt that an eclipse/evo turbo? Also at what compression are you running. I noticed in your profile it said "high compression EA82T". Are you running a SPFI, or carbed block? And you do have the Nissan injectors correct, out of a 280 I think it is right?

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The TD04 I am using came from a WRX. Currently I am at stock boost for a few reaons ranging from boost controller crapping out to the fact that my fuel system is still (mostly) stock.

The high compression bit is because of a carb'd shortblock.




Side note. The TD04 is one of the most common stock turbos on the market. 1st gen talons/eclipses used them. A whole buttload of volvos used them. Some saabs too I think. I seem to remember that even some of the chysler turbo vans and such used one of the TD04 compressor trims.

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