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Shes ALIVE!!!

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So with much time, smashed fingers, perminante grease under the nails, and ALOT of money later I finally have Rosey finished. She is runnin like the champ she is. I had a few minor set backs but other then that shes great! I do have one question though..... So once I got Rosey running it didnt look like my alternator was charging it wouldnt go over the 12 mark so I went and got a brand new altornator from Schucks. Put it in and it still doesnt seem to charge right.... If you try and start it up some times it wont start kinda like my starter is going out..... Any sugestions if it is indeed my start or if it could be somthing else? I traded the battery in the Beast and it did the same thing... not the batterie itself or the altornator....haha I do love throwing these problems at you guys haha you guys are great haha. Can you help a danzel in distress haha.

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I got an alternator from Sucks also. I had to use it as a core when I got a new one three weeks later. The worst part is that it came with a "lifetime warranty" and Sucks refused to take it back, stating that it was in perfect condition. Strange... The alternator that replaced the 3 week old Sucks alternator has operated flawlessly for me for over two years now.




Schucks Sucks Balls....:mad:

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usually they just need new brushes right? thats pretty easy to fix


Very easy and very cheep - like about $2.00. Be sure to repack the bearings while it's apart and it will probably last another 200,000 miles.

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usually they just need new brushes right? thats pretty easy to fix


No, its usually the built in Voltage regulator that dies. The Diodes go bad after a while. The main reason the chain stores keep getting them back after a week or so is because of the cheap parts that are used in the remanufacturing.

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No, its usually the built in Voltage regulator that dies. The Diodes go bad after a while. quote]


I've been driving Subaru's since 1989 and the only problem I've ever had is the brushes wearing out. You just need to monitor brush wear and replace them BEFORE they completly wear out otherwise you will be replacing the whole alternator. If the regulator or diodes fail, they are very easly and cheeply replaced also.

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