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crank angle sensor

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right to cut a long story short alternator broke on my brand new engine and wond round the right hand side cam belt (the short one not the dizzy one) and stalled my engine hopefully doin no damage as ive just spent $100s getiing it done through some new belts on it and try to start it up but no spark the ecu is flashing crank angle senor is there any way of testing this sensor in the dizzy and could it be the ignitor under the coil it that was the problem would it send a problem code to the ecu.. help cheers patt

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you say the alternator broke? how, what happened? do you mean the drive belt that runs the alternator? you say it "wrapped around the cam belt", what does that mean? did it wrap around and do any damage or just wrap around? you didn't mention that the cam belt was affected in any way. but the crank sensor is driven by the cam belt, so need to know exactly what happened to the belts.


are the timing belts timed and working properly?

make sure it's plugged in.

easiest test would be to swap another distributor in. there's a recent thread about buying the crank angle sensor. search for distributor rebuild or something like that. the crank angel sensor in the distributor is sold for $67 i believe, link to the place it posted in the thread.

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