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Trying to remove inside door trim

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Driver's side inside door trim. I am trying to replace the outside side mirror and it looks like I can't get to the bottom two bolts unless I remove the whole door panel. 98 Legacy Sedan


Does the whole panel there just pop off?? I started pulling on it and the front part popped off and on pretty easily. Before I went ahead and pulled the whole thing off I wanted to check here and make sure I don't break something.


please advise any tips, etc.


Thanks in advance!

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There is probably two bolts - one one the inside pull handle, and the other under the arm rest (or around there). You'll need to pop out the little trim piece covering them and unscrew them first. Then the panel should pop off easily. I'd take a flat-head screw driver and gently pull the edges off when it seems a little tight to pull. Be careful though, if you have power accessories in the door there will be short lengths of wire attached to them - just unclip the connectors.


Good luck!



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i don't think the door panel has to come off to remeove the mirror. i could be wrong but i don't think so.



Driver's side inside door trim. I am trying to replace the outside side mirror and it looks like I can't get to the bottom two bolts unless I remove the whole door panel. 98 Legacy Sedan


Does the whole panel there just pop off?? I started pulling on it and the front part popped off and on pretty easily. Before I went ahead and pulled the whole thing off I wanted to check here and make sure I don't break something.


please advise any tips, etc.


Thanks in advance!

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Do a search on this topic, even just check back a few days, this has been covered. Two screws in the armrest, one screw at the door handle. i dont know if the panel has to come off, it may to get access to the wiring harness. The triangular trim peice pops off and behind there are the bolts for the mirror.



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