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Ongoing 1984 subaru brat engine trouble...

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So, after doing much driving, and pining of problems... I have descovered that the engine, will idle when cold... when warmed up after being cold, but if I drive the car down the freeway, then get off the freeway, it won't idle. it starts to misfire real bad when it gets to about 1500rpms or lower... and will die if I don't keep it up above 1,000 rpms. At this point I'm not sure whats going on, I'm thinking theres a few lifters that start to stick real well once the car has been running for a bit. Has anyone herd of this weirdness symptom before?

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Yep, done a full tune-up... the carb was real well on the old engine and the time between the engine swap was literly 4 hours. So I'm pretty sure the carb isn't bad. The moter makes alot of bad clunking noises when it trys to idle after a freeway drive. It's as if some of the pistons are trying to sieze or some of the valves arn't opening. It behaves like it has a huge amount of resistance on it. Even though the car can be in neutral and it smooths out and runs normally after it gets past the 2k rpm mark.... really odd.

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I got this situation on my EA82... It was the CrapTachi Carb. Just Try with another carb (from a Friend`s, etc...), maybe it`s time runs off... You Know... My CrapTachi done the Same, from one Second to Another, it was Good, and then ruined completely... Now I got Weber 32/36 and it`s a Real Far Difference!


But if the Carb is OK, it is very weird... Sound like a "No Oil Pressure" Situation, that is extremly Dangerous... Check oil pump, and maybe (Possibly) one ball Bearing -on pulleys- are damaged. Try to take off the Fan Belt, and any other belt; and move the Pulleys...


Good Luck! :)

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It would do that if it has no oil pressure? Ok, I was thinking the pressure sender was flakey, but oil pressure only rises after the engine is up to around 3k rpms... otherwise the needle always reads 0psi. Maybe it's time for me to re-seal another oil pump.

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