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Possible Front spring upgrades?

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Got to thinking, since I'm raising/stiffening the rear suspension, I better do the front too. What spring upgrades are available to EA82 series?


I was thinking forrester or outback springs would work, but I havent compared the size of the spring seats and length. I dont have access to XT6 parts so I can't do the 5 lug conversion so I can use legacy struts.


What about using all impreza suspension (knuckle, balljoint, tierod, strut, axle with EA82 inner DOJ converted)?


By looking at the extra movement that is there without having a sway bar, I think that an inch longer strut or spring would be workable without breaking axles.


what do you guys think?

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There's a couple of options that I know about:


1. RX springs are a direct swap. They aren't any taller, but they are stiffer, so there will be less sag and it will effectively raise the car about an inch. The bad part is that they're nearly impossible to find in-state.


2. If you're really ambitious, you could do the XT6 front suspension swap. I don't know how the spring rates compare, but it might be possible to put impreza/legacy/outback/forester springs on the XT6 struts. I don't know if they're the same size, but I do know that they're different from the EA82 struts.


3. Custom springs are always an option. They're not cheap, but you could get any spring rate and any height.

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Don't know if you guys can get these over there, (US), but down here, (Aus), We use King aftermarket mainly, some use Lovells or 1 or 2 others.

Kings have standard and heavy duty types and are manufactured locally to suit our conditions, (sometimes severe), and are used by rally drivers and serious 4wd'ers, l've never heard of one failing so maybe worth inquiring, you could do alot worse.


Sorry if this sounds like an add for Kings, l don't work for them, l just use them like alot of others down here.

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i say use the impreza fornt stuff with the XT6 lower control arm, if you cant find lower control arms im sure someone here can help you out with that. give them $20 plus the cost of shipping and the price of the lower control arms.




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thats good to know there is an alternative for the springs. I have a buddy who lives in AU. I'll have to call him up and see if he could pick some up for me. I wonder how outrageous the shipping is going to be from Austrailia to Alaska

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You can go on the King springs web site here in the US also. I have checked them out but did not know the stock specs of my 82' Brat springs. I don't think it would be to expensive to custom order them. Just hit King springs on a google search see what you think. I just checked again and they are all out of the country. South America is the closest. Check 'em out.

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