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Calling all subie owners in north ID area

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I feel your pain....the dry side of the mountains is kind of thin pickins for Subee gatherings as we seem so spread out. Kind of sucks not having others to run and tinker with... this site helps but nothing beats running in a pack.


In early summer I may be heading over too Lewiston.. but not set yet...


Possibly offer free gas and hang pork chops around your neck and maybe they will come and play.....:lol:


I am going to print a copy of the pending Hoodriver Or. gathering and see if I can post it at my local Subaru dealer/parts counter... possibly find some that way.


Wish I was closer.....:-\


Good luck, I know there out there, you just have too keep looking!

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Moving to Meet/Greet



I understand.. Coming from subaru land (western WA) To a subaru wasteland (TX).. Been trying to organize a get together for months..


You can see how many replies my most recent meet/greet thread has gotten:mad:

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yea, I'm up in Newport, WA, on the Id border. Im always looking for subie people to go wheelin' and tinker on the cars/trucks together! I will be free in aboput two weeks to go out exploring. Lets meet up and find some mud. everyone is up for it but I've never seen anyone in the PNW meet up with others. Change is in the air.

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  Uberoo said:
Are there any subie owners in the northern idaho/Washinton area?lewiston,Moscow,Clarkston(WA),CDA,Spokane,etc?

Id like to find subies to wheel with or work on stuff together.

hey hey hey chillen in pullman set it up and Ill road ralley over. Not really set up for hardcore offroad but willing to try anything:headbang: rock on

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  • 1 year later...

I'm close to Urabus-84HBDR...just a couple miles south. We really have quite a few in the area, if you consider the Spokanites, there's a couple from Cd'A, even Rathdrum! Most are concentrated around Spokane, Cd'A. You're a fair bit out there, Uberoo. But I'm sure we can work something out. Perhaps a Spokane meet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Reviving in hopes of meeting some subie owners. I don't know jack about these cars, but I have one. Let me rephrase that, I don't know jack about working on cars beyond doing an oil change and other really basic stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone in and around spokane/cda should get together sometime soon. there are more soob freaks out here in the pnw than we know... 509 671 3439 ROGER-

if you need help with anything let me know, and if anyone knows of a local ea82T block that is GOOD let me know, I need it ASAP.



  smithe said:
Reviving in hopes of meeting some subie owners. I don't know jack about these cars, but I have one. Let me rephrase that, I don't know jack about working on cars beyond doing an oil change and other really basic stuff.
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  Urabus-84HBDR said:
anyone in and around spokane/cda should get together sometime soon. there are more soob freaks out here in the pnw than we know... 509 671 3439 ROGER-

if you need help with anything let me know, and if anyone knows of a local ea82T block that is GOOD let me know, I need it ASAP.


I don't know where a good block is, but I say lets figure it out and meet up! My sube is no where near ready for wheeling at this point, but we can still get together to wrench, or bs or whatever.

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i see this car around all the time... i drive a red 88 gl10 sedan, FT AWD Turbo. Its a little rough running right now, but... id like to go mob the soobs all around too! sounds fun. give a call sometime soon.


  spokanesoob said:
Hey guys kinda late to the party. bout 25 min away. out in the south valley. here is my RX cant wheel but would like to get together and black the streets out with masses of subaru. :cool:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

HELLO :) Im in hayden, but do to over heating/coolant in oil, i cant get any farther than a 30min drive from start up to so hot its a power loss. i know it needs hg or new heads but hey it was only 700 bucks. started out i just wanted to get around in winter but now im lookin at lift kits and t3 turbo engines! :headbang:

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