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Help with an EA82 5 spd?

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A friend of mine from work has an 89 wagon with a FWD 5 speed.


I haven't gotten to see it but he says that it has a tendancy to pop out of 2nd and 4th gears. He says that if he stops in neutral on the way into 2nd and 4th, and pick up on the shifter as he continues shifting that it tends to stay in gear better.


Any ideas? Bent linkage? Worn bushing?

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Finally got to look at it tonight, mmm the smell of the "autumn spreading", brought back memories of home...


anyway, there was nobody around so I just walked back. It needs alot more work than I am able to take on. Thanks for keeping an eye out though.


And thanks for the synchros tip, I'm guessing that is a trans rebuild type thing?

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