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for the last 2 couple weeks or so i have been getting oil in my carbe. i have a ea82. do any of you have any idea on what might be casing this and how do i stop it? today i took spfi completely apart and clean it inside and out in hopes of find where the oil is coming from. any ideas any of you might have would be helpful.

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It's on the back of the intake manifold - should be a 17mm with a hose comming off. Look for the EGR valve - its on the passenger side - the look to the drivers side in about that same location and you'll find it.


You can clean it with carb cleaner - soak it overnight and it will be nice and shiny the next day. Make sure to clean ALL the hoses and connectors going to it as well and be careful removing them as they get brittle with age. I use a screwdriver to clean the gunk out of the hoses.



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  Subaru in the Rainfroest said:
thanks guys it will have to wiat a day or to though. i live in the middle of no where and don't go to town everyday. i will look in the day light tomorrow and find though. would gas work as well?


Hi, Yes, gasoline will work well. You know it's dangerous as a solvent, but it is an excellent solvent. You'll be taking your chances. I'd say you may have problems with cracked hoses as well in doing this job. Anything like that and you'll need to do some extra work. You can clean that pcv valve, but i've found it's usually not worth it in the long run. An O.E.M. pcv would be ideal, a new aftermarket pcv valve would probably be better than a cleaned used one. Just IMHO and YMMV. Hope this helps.




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