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Subaru owners have to own old VWs, too?

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I'm a member of TheSamba.com forums as well because in addition to the pair of Subarus I've also got a '72 VW Karmann Ghia. In browsing the photos both on here and at TheSamba it seems that once you've owned a flat-4 you never go back! Numerous photos on both sites show either someone's Subaru with an air-cooled VW in the background or an air-cooled VW with a Subaru in the background.


How 'bout it, folks? Raise your hand (and post a photo, maybe?) if you've got an old VW/Subaru pair. :)


(http://druckenghia.blogspot.com for info, pics of the Ghia. I'll have to get some up of our Subarus eventually)

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Never thought of it that way :)




68 bug...70 bug...71 411....73 411...all used 4-5 yrs later....all needed contant attention....but flat 4 YES.....replaced thet 73 411 with a 78 DL FWD and never looked back...been in a Subaru since.

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Guilty as charged!:banana:





'69 Porsche 912R (the "R" is for "Renegade") since it is now powered by a 2 liter Type IV engine from a VW Vanagon while the original engine is in a box....ok, several boxes.....with the 71 911T 4 speed gearbox it is a nice touring car on the road but can't get out of its' own way getting up to speed:lol: .


'66 VW Microbus and '59 Porsche 356A coupe also in the current "fleet".


About 10 years or so ago I bought a '69 Ghia convertible that looked like the "Daughter of Frankenstein" due to its welded up replacement rockers etc.---it ran and drove but was a real basket case. Fortunately for ME, the fellow that I bought it from also had a '69 Ghia coupe complete with adjustable front beam, 8 spoke empis with FAT tires on the rear and the GM "space saver" spare tires on the front....the really skinny ones that say "Do NOT exceed 50 MPH" on the sidewalls (which were good for 112 MPH at least once) seats from a Fiero, T handle shifter and a 1600 dual port with mild cam and dual Kadron/Solex carbs putting the power to the ground via a 72 bug gearbox with the tall gears. Anyway, the guy he sold that car to spotted my 'vert and we traded even. I think I got the better deal on that one! Probably the funnest car I've ever owned.

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I've got a 73 Super Beetle. I'm trying to sell it.:( Only reason is it's so rare an occasion to be able to drive it around here...


I kinda need the cash right about now too. Just finished building my new house, and the landscaping has begun...


Anyone interested in it, drop me a line...

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  a97obw said:
... and '59 Porsche 356A coupe also in the current "fleet".


oooh ... baby! :slobber:


Yeah, your picture of the Outback and the 912 is one of the ones I've seen before that got me thinking about this subject. Those 912s are pretty sweet. The first of the "new" Porsche look after the 356 "bathtub" style but plenty of '60s styling, too. Doesn't look quite as pretentious as newer 911s.


Maybe it's just me, but I seem to like older "sports" cars that have way more looks than performance. :)

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  swi66 said:
Maybe it's the Boxer engine?????????

I don't have a classic VW...........


Does an air cooled Corvair count?????


Have 4 of them...............




It's got to be all about the boxer, not just the VW :). Check out the other guy's retinue of Porsches.

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  unverviking said:
I've got a 73 Super Beetle. I'm trying to sell it.:( Only reason is it's so rare an occasion to be able to drive it around here...


I kinda need the cash right about now too. Just finished building my new house, and the landscaping has begun...


Anyone interested in it, drop me a line...


Well, if you're really desperate I'll take it off your hands for $100 :-p

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  trevize1138 said:
I'm a member of TheSamba.com forums as well because in addition to the pair of Subarus I've also got a '72 VW Karmann Ghia. In browsing the photos both on here and at TheSamba it seems that once you've owned a flat-4 you never go back! Numerous photos on both sites show either someone's Subaru with an air-cooled VW in the background or an air-cooled VW with a Subaru in the background.


How 'bout it, folks? Raise your hand (and post a photo, maybe?) if you've got an old VW/Subaru pair. :)


(http://druckenghia.blogspot.com for info, pics of the Ghia. I'll have to get some up of our Subarus eventually)


I did own a 72 Super Beetle that was 95% restored until I was rear-ended by drunk illegals from Mexico while I was stopped at a school crosswalk with children crossing at the other side of the intersection. That old Bug died saving a small childs life.

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Does it count that I work in a shop where they retrofit Subaru engines into Vanagons? As for not sleeping comfortably in a Subaru, I happen to live in my Legacy wagon. Granted, I'm 5'7", which is just about the limit for height to be able to sleep comfortably.

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We had a '70 and '74 Bug, and a '73 411 wagon. I didn't drive then, but we enjoyed those VWs as much as I enjoy my Subaru. -SQ93 :)


  trevize1138 said:
I'm a member of TheSamba.com forums as well because in addition to the pair of Subarus I've also got a '72 VW Karmann Ghia. In browsing the photos both on here and at TheSamba it seems that once you've owned a flat-4 you never go back! Numerous photos on both sites show either someone's Subaru with an air-cooled VW in the background or an air-cooled VW with a Subaru in the background.


How 'bout it, folks? Raise your hand (and post a photo, maybe?) if you've got an old VW/Subaru pair. :)


(http://druckenghia.blogspot.com for info, pics of the Ghia. I'll have to get some up of our Subarus eventually)

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My DD from '90-'94 was a '66 Beetle, put about 35,000 miles on her in about 3 1/2 years. No radio, Radio Shack Transitor with the 9v battery hanging out on the passenger seat. 6 volt, no syncros in 2nd gear, battery held in by a bent up chrome wheel dressing & a liscense plate...rebuilt the carb the day after I bought her, ran perfect the whole time I had it....man I miss that car...

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  trevize1138 said:
I'm a member of TheSamba.com forums as well because in addition to the pair of Subarus I've also got a '72 VW Karmann Ghia. In browsing the photos both on here and at TheSamba it seems that once you've owned a flat-4 you never go back! Numerous photos on both sites show either someone's Subaru with an air-cooled VW in the background or an air-cooled VW with a Subaru in the background.


How 'bout it, folks? Raise your hand (and post a photo, maybe?) if you've got an old VW/Subaru pair. :)


(http://druckenghia.blogspot.com for info, pics of the Ghia. I'll have to get some up of our Subarus eventually)



I have

05 outback

95 legacy

59 A porsche cabroilet (flat 4)

62 B Super 90 coupe Porsche (flat 4)

Had 70 VK Karman Ghia.


You may be on to something, after all I still think the world is flat.




Monk in NC

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I guess I'm in.


Had a '70 Beetle with the hand crank sunroof (pic around here somewhere) back in the day, long gone. Gutless, noisy, no air conditioning, AM radio. One of my favorites of the many vehicles I've owned before and since.

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I just sold my 73 SuperBeetle last year. I hated to let it go as it had been in the family for over 20 years, but it was wasting away, and I couldn't bear to let it do that. I just didnt have time/$$ to keep it up.


I really miss having it around, but thats the breaks. IT was a total blast, loaded with tons of quirks!



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  trevize1138 said:
I'm a member of TheSamba.com forums as well because in addition to the pair of Subarus I've also got a '72 VW Karmann Ghia. In browsing the photos both on here and at TheSamba it seems that once you've owned a flat-4 you never go back! Numerous photos on both sites show either someone's Subaru with an air-cooled VW in the background or an air-cooled VW with a Subaru in the background.


How 'bout it, folks? Raise your hand (and post a photo, maybe?) if you've got an old VW/Subaru pair. :)


(http://druckenghia.blogspot.com for info, pics of the Ghia. I'll have to get some up of our Subarus eventually)


Do corvairs count?



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