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Code 21???? with PICS!!!

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Hello to all my brilliant USMB friends!!!! i have another question that the FSM does not explain...


I recieved a code 21 which i realize is a Thermometer sensor *whatever its called* i dont know where it is... and as well as i've searched and read the descriptions... they conflict... and i cannot get a straight answer.


SO! i resort to pics! that way i know EXACTLY.


i think it is one of 3 things.... which one is the question

(excuse the mess under the hood... went mudding... and havent cleaned up yet ;) )


here is my engine:




Here are the three sensors. are any of these the correct one to throw the code??


Sensor 1:




Sensor 2:




And... Sensor 3:




Are any of these the correct ones?!?!


if they are, would you reccomend purchasing a NEW one? or going to the JY and getting one there.


Thank you So much again for all your help! :)


Luigi :)

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Sensor 3 is what you need to replace. Spend the $40 and go buy a new one. Also make sure the connection to it is very good. Maybe use some of that special grease, and double check the wires for corrosion.


The correct term is the Coolant Temp Sensor. Most places will order the one wire sender, Sensor 2 on your picture, which is incorrect. This is just for the gauge. Make sure it is the 2 wire sensor and you should be good to go.

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ok ok , very cool! i looked at the sensor.. and it looks like one of the wires just screws into the side of the sensor, or the sensor housing... is this right?


and i didnt see any way to unplug it. unless its further up the wiring loom.


thanks again!

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Take off your "Turbo" intake plenum then look down inbetween the throttle body and the turbo. There will be a sensor going into the block right below one of the coolant lines to the turbo. With a connector that looks just like the AAV. Chances are you just need to clean up the contacts and put it back on. Just did this on my RX last weekend.


And so you know


2=Temp Gauge sensor

3=Hard to tell but guessing by where the circle is, it's your knock sensor


Edit:Hmm after reading Tex's post maybe I'm wrong....but that's not where my CTS is at.

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None of thoe sensors in your pics are the correct one. Number 3 is the closest though. When staning in front of the car, look at #3, then move your gaze a bit to the left. As you get closer to the turbo, you will see one sensor mounted in the block (knock sensor) and another mounted to the intake manifold in the same general area. That is the CTS.


PS. the sensor in pic 3 is the fast idle solenoid that stops your car fromcrapping out when the AC is turned on.

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  calebz said:
PS. the sensor in pic 3 is the fast idle solenoid that stops your car fromcrapping out when the AC is turned on.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok! SWEET ! thanks :)


now my next question is where can i find this sensor without ordering the wrong thing... anyone have any part numbers or websites i can go to, to purchase it? thanks SO much!!!



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sometimes I am just a cheap bastard and only change the conector (same as bosh fuel injector available at most parts stores) and clean the connections as that usually what the problem really is. listen to caleb for directions on how to find it.

removal of you intake pipe may help to acess it better.


I had an old thread on fixing this if you dig around for it.

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it was a PITA when i replaced mine. you have to remove the 4wd plenum, and i undid a few bolts that held a hardline in place to allow clearance for my socket. (you need a deep-well socket, i only have impact deep-well sockets, you might have a bit more ease removing it if your tool selection is broad.) make sure the contacts on the wire arent corroded. apparently the corrosion is a leading cause of what sets off that CEL code.

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Pict = kiloword??

Sometimes it's just the contacts want cleaning.

Like the ones in this pict, note the green corrosion.

If the boot cracks from the heat of the turbo

the water just sits in the "well" and well the contacts....


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