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grinding in reverse??????? HELP PLEASE

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1st I want to say I have done a quick search on this topic and did not really find an answer.


I have a 2000 OB with 76K miles on it. it is a 5speed. ONLY in reverse i hear a grinding sound when the car is in motion. in all over gears there is no grinding sounds.


some friends of my think i should put some 90 weight oil in for the tranny and it will be fine. i think the wrose and its my gear has gone bad.


has anyone else had such a problem with their OB? any and all commets would be valued.

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There are only a few things that will cuase the reverse gear to grind... I may be wrong, but if a remember corectly those transmissions do not have a synchronized reverse gear... so that eliminates the possibility of a synchro ring slipping on the shaft... the only thing that really leaves is you are missing teeth off of your reverse gear, or you are running metal through the gear, in reverse only, which is very unlikely. Now, what i would be more likely to beleive is that you are loosing a main shaft bearing. Really, something like that is hard to say without hearing it...

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1st I want to say I have done a quick search on this topic and did not really find an answer.


I have a 2000 OB with 76K miles on it. it is a 5speed. ONLY in reverse i hear a grinding sound when the car is in motion. in all over gears there is no grinding sounds.


some friends of my think i should put some 90 weight oil in for the tranny and it will be fine. i think the wrose and its my gear has gone bad.


has anyone else had such a problem with their OB? any and all commets would be valued.



Reverse gear is a straight cut, non synchro gear. It whines and its noticable. I cant imagine it grinding and not poping out of gear. They may ocassionally whine when shifting into reverse from a forward gear if you dont give a little time for things to stop spinning, and may ocasionally clunk into gear.

Does this describre anything you are hearing?



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