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Is there any consequence filling 1/2 tank with regular in a 2.5GT?

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The pumpist might have some hearing problem while I am specifically asking for fill up Super; he puts regular in my 05 2.5GT tank instead. By the time I realize the mistake, it's almost 1/2 tank (7.5 galons) already and fill up the remaining tank with Super. I wonder if there will be any serious consequence to this error.


Thanks in advance for your time and help.

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As long as your engine does not "knock", you should be OK. The ECU should be able to handle moderate knocking by retarding the ignition timing. If you experience severe engine knocking, which is unlikely, stop the car. Severe knocking can cause serious damage to the engine. It happens rarely, but knocking has been known to shatter a piston!!

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My experience on cars with knock sensor is - the knock sensor will retard the timing as soon as it detects knock. So, you will probably never notice the knock. The retarded timing will reduce your performance, and maybe slightly reduce your mpgs. So don't expect top performance till you get the octane back up.


Also, remember it can't retard the timing until it does detect some knock. So I'd depress the accelerator more slowly, so that you don't create a lot of knock so fast that the computer can't keep up with the needed adjustment.

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Thank you all for your valuable input and advices.


For peace of mind, I will go to an autopart store tomorrow get some octane booster and fill up with the highest octane gazoline that I can find after emptying 1/2 tank.


Do you think the ECU will accustom to this low octane gazoline permanently? If so, is there a way to reset it to factory default?

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Thank you all for your valuable input and advices.


For peace of mind, I will go to an autopart store tomorrow get some octane booster and fill up with the highest octane gazoline that I can find after emptying 1/2 tank.


Do you think the ECU will accustom to this low octane gazoline permanently? If so, is there a way to reset it to factory default?


if your really that worried about your ECU becoming accustom to it just unplug your battery for 5-10 mins and it'll reset... nothing to worry about...:)

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I just went to two auto parts stores (R&S Strauss and Pepboys). Most of octane booster contains MMT which is not recommended based on the manual. I get all octane booster brand that doesn't specify MMT in its label. However, how can I be ascertain these products does not contain MMT.


Any additional input is greatly appreciated.

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You are absolutely correct. However, it is really difficult to keep a light foot when you drive this car. Don't you think? :grin: My really concern is I will make another irreparable mistake by forgetting that I have 1/2 tank regular especially during rush hour going to work :D.


  nipper said:
Since it is a one time mistake, you worry to much. Fill the tank with the best premium you can find, or drive with a light foot and run out the tank you have.



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how many mile are in a tank of gas, maybe 400??? if the life of the engine is 250k miles that's 0.16% the life of the car. use it up and drive on to the next gas station.


  njchen24 said:
You are absolutely correct. However, it is really difficult to keep a light foot when you drive this car. Don't you think? :grin: My really concern is I will make another irreparable mistake by forgetting that I have 1/2 tank regular especially during rush hour going to work :D.
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In Oregon, there is NO self serve gas. I've had to pump gas as I manage a large "store" that happens to sell gas and which has gas monkeys who can't be counted on to arrive to work on time (ever had someone pump your gas wearing a white shirt and necktie?). I've mistakenly pumped 27 gallons of regular grade fuel into a Chevy Tahoe and simply handed them the receipt and thanked them. Ooops. You gotta watch out when others pump your gas.


That said, next time you don't get your mid-grade as requested, make them GIVE you a bottle of octane booster; even if you discover it later and come back (with your receipt, of course.)


It is also true, at our pumps, that mid-grade fuel is created/blended by pumping high-grade fuel into the mid-grade tank as needed. That's why some stations run out of high-grade fuel first when supplies are tight.


Hope that Tahoe didn't blow.



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