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Persistent squeaking, caliper problem?

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I've been having this squeaking noise for awhile now. It seems like my caliper isn't smooth enough to let go of my brake after I let go off the brake pedal. I don't actually feel any drag. If driven for more than 10 minutes (whether it's stop and go or highway), upon coming/slowing to a stop, the rear brakes always make squeaking noise. And that happens even on new brakes and rotors. I thoroughly cleaned the rotor before installing. I already tried lubricating the guide pins with no good result either. Could it be that my caliper is going bad (from rusting)? Maybe time for new caliper? I couldn't think of anything right now but the caliper. Anybody has any advice? Thanks in advance...

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Oh, I already done wire brushing all the shims and the hardware pieces that the brake pads fit inside as well. They all look super smooth as far as I can tell. Still squeaking. It's very annoying having other drivers looking at me like I did something wrong. :mad:

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Try exercising the calipers. Remove the wheel, g-clamp the brake caliper on the inside and the brake pad on the outside, so you compress the piston back into the caliper.

Pump the brake pedal.


Repeat a number of times. Helps to have someone doing the pedal pumping for you :)

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Your new rotor is probably out of round, I dont have rotors on the back of mine so I dont know if you can switch sides with these like you can on the front but if you can I would try that. The noise may go away when you switch them but it will be back in a few days, and should be on the side where you moved it to.

I've been having this squeaking noise for awhile now. It seems like my caliper isn't smooth enough to let go of my brake after I let go off the brake pedal. I don't actually feel any drag. If driven for more than 10 minutes (whether it's stop and go or highway), upon coming/slowing to a stop, the rear brakes always make squeaking noise. And that happens even on new brakes and rotors. I thoroughly cleaned the rotor before installing. I already tried lubricating the guide pins with no good result either. Could it be that my caliper is going bad (from rusting)? Maybe time for new caliper? I couldn't think of anything right now but the caliper. Anybody has any advice? Thanks in advance...
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did you lubricate the sliders? Also did you use the little metal shims that go behind the brake pads?




Ditto, lube the slides and make sure that you have the backing shims if available. also there is disc brake quiet, don't know the manufacturer, but if you put that behind the pads where they contact the caliper that should help too.


If the pads aren't chamfered on the edges that could also cause your squeak.

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