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95 legacy, could use some advice

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Ok so I find a lady who is selling a 95 Legacy for 2k, I call her and find out that the car has a problem with overheating, she has driven it and it has overheated she couldn't be more specific about how long etc, or how hot. Anyway the car recently had a water pump and timing belt installed and it seems whoever did the job did it poorly since she has had these problems only since the timing belt, etc was done. After talking to her I believe I can walk away with the car for $250-500 or in that ballpark, she was unaware of the possible head damage etc that could have occured.


Ok so my questions


Should I buy the car?

If I do what type of repairs are in order now, or should I just buy another engine and do it that way.

My basic dilema is, can I salvage this engine and repair it for a reasonable sum, or should I try and get another engine, or should I steer clear.


Any help and opinions appreciated, and I would like to take a minute to thank everyone who has helped me with all of my stuff this far, your help has been invaluable. God Bless.

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