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What a night..Project Cheap *Almost* gets stolen

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Thank god for my Roo Dog, she woke us at 2 am this morning barking like crazy, look out the window to see what's going on...what do I see???

Project Cheap slowly rolling down my driveway, with a kid sitting in the driver's seat. Was stupid since it was a 17-year old kid from up the street I recongized right away. Have the wife call the cops while I run out with bat to make sure he doesn't get away. Came out my front door so I would be behind him, grabbed him through the window and yanked him out to the ground (no I did not open the door first, I was pissed). Luckily Project cheap backed into my brick wall and stopped since I was more worried about keeping him pinned to the ground. Long story short, beware of your neighbors kid's and keep your cars close to your house. How did he get in you ask?....just so happens he used a Subaru key to unlock the doors, luckily it didn't work in the ignition (though was very stuck in it) and this family doesn't even own a Subaru, let alone an old one. Guess I need to add an alarm to the car now. Who steals a lifted Subaru? Your not getting away fast at all....putting a hidden kill switch today until I can get an alarm on it. The kid well hopefully he will be spending some time in juvie for this. I can tell you his parents were not happy at all, and spent 2 hours apologizing to me after the fact. Watch your Roo's...I would have never expected this to happen in my neighborhood.

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does he get a bone for that?

i guess he doesn't bark all the time if it got you out of bed?


goood doggy!!



why would he still one of the only lifted subaru sedans in the country.....an incredibly high profile vehicle??? Was your RX there? that would've been a much better target!

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Yea *She* (Roo) got a ton of love and treats, she hardly ever barks and is really a push over. Not even a year old yet and loves attention more than protecting. Just ask Jerry he knows, so ya we knew something was up when she went crazy.


Yea of course the RX was sitting right in front of it, but a big blue blinking light that is bright enough to see from the street probably detered him away from the RX. Which has had an alarm system for along time.

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WOW....glad to see he didnt get away with it. At least it was a subaru and not a honda....it would have been gone for sure. Did you try to get it out of him WHY he went for project cheep?





No honestly it never crossed my mind, I was just so incredibly mad I was in rage mode. Just doing everything I could not to beat the living **** out of him. Plus amazing as it is the cops were here in like 2 mins flat.

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does he get a bone for that?

i guess he doesn't bark all the time if it got you out of bed?


She deserves a steak dinner for that! And rides for life:clap:

Ask your Wife what she told the Cops, they might have been under the impression that the kids life was in danger:brow:


Do you live on a hill? Just wondering how the dipstick was going to get it going once it was out of the driveway:rolleyes: Maybe chock the wheels at night also.

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GOOD CATCH! Give that dog a big 'ol ribeye for Rouneye:D !


F$#&!*G thieves. You should have wore his @ss out with that bat first. Say he attacked you. Get a gun. They really s#!t their pants when they see one of those staring at them. I had to run some freak off from my place a couple of months ago. Amazing how fast one can run after looking down a .357 Magnum with hollow points peeking from both sides.


Glad you saved your ride.:headbang:

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He probably thought it looked fun, and wanted to try it out. I do get all kinds of thumbs up and looks from the kids these days - maybe it's a good idea to put in a kill switch just for laughs. Never had a problem here, but ya never know.


Guess I'll keep that aluminium bat my GF found at the park the other day.... light, strong, and makes a beutiful sound when you rack it off someone's skull.



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Good to hear your Roo is fine, and your other Roo is fat.


I gotta wire up a kill switch on my subie, you could prolly start it with a spoon. But I also have $600 of very carriable items in my ute too. So something to help me lock that car would be good... Maybe I need some laser cut locks. Although then you can just get a 2 meter rod of something and stick it thru the window to put the oppsite lock button...


He prolly went for Project Cheep because it is to old to have an alarm (most likely), and it looks cool and more then its worth. You just need a taser in the seat with a button. When they sit in the seat they get a 10000volt shock on their a$$... I'm sure you wouldn't need the dog barking then, plenty of noise from the theif.

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