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No brake lights

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The day I hooked my running lights to a toggle switch, the brake lights quit working entirely. Sure I cut the wires for both filamants to find out which one was which, but I reconnected the brake wires. SO... I am flipping the running light switch when I brake so people know I'm braking but of course that's no good long term... The brake bulbs work, I know that, just not getting a signal from the pedal.... I am out of ideas..... anybody?

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Sounds like you may have powered up your lights from the brake light supply...reverse everthing you did and start again.....source your power for your lights from the battery feed in the rear of the fuse box.. if your pulling big amps use a relay setup also......this will fix the problem..cheers

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Have you checked the fuse for the brake lights to see if it is ok? Also use a test light to check for power at the brake switch. If those things are ok then check the flasher unit for a problem. The brake light circuit runs through that.

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