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Is that airbag gonna smack me in the face?

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I need to get in at the multifunction switch on the '00 Legacy. To do so I believe I need to take the cover off the horn/airbag area, disable the airbag, take off the steering wheel and then finally be able to get at the switch.


According to the Haynes manual I should disconnect the negative battery cable first and wait at least one full minute so that the airbag doesn't go ka-blooey in my face while I'm working and whistling the "CHiPs" theme.


Anybody got some advice or soothing words to put my mind at ease? :)

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Anytime I have to remove a steering wheel or do any work around it, it doesn't matter the manufacturer, I disconnect the battery, and go for a cup of coffee...1/2 hr or so later, I begin.

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When you disconnect the battery, turn the lights on, that helps drain the primary battery. The system also has a secondary power unit incase the battery cable is severed in the collision. Turning the lights on helps ensure that this secondary power cell is fully discharged.


Be sure when you recconect the clockspring that you do not spin it out of the car, if it gets twisted too far one way or the other it will snap the wires and you either get no horn, or a short in the airbag system that will introduce you to about 2 yards of high strength fabric in about 40 miliseconds.



Not trying to scare you, airbags are like guns, if you treat them with respect they are safe and useful.

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Not trying to scare you, airbags are like guns, if you treat them with respect they are safe and useful.


not to mention powerful.i've seen this guy (on dirty-jobs) take a airbag,wired it up and placed it under a 50 gallon metal drum over it.when he set the bag off,it shot the drum up into the air about 10ft.

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Steering wheel does not have to be removed to access the switches themselves. You only need to take it off for replacing the clockspring (roll connector).

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