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The 96 Legacy Outback that we just bought with 107K miles on it has a little bit of clunking in the front end going over bumps. Can I assume that this is just the normal suspects - bushings, tie rod ends, ball joints, etc? And if so, how should I proceed? Are these pretty standard DIY items? And also, are there poly bushings available for Subarus? What's a good source to buy these parts?

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The 96 Legacy Outback that we just bought with 107K miles on it has a little bit of clunking in the front end going over bumps. Can I assume that this is just the normal suspects - bushings, tie rod ends, ball joints, etc? And if so, how should I proceed? Are these pretty standard DIY items? And also, are there poly bushings available for Subarus? What's a good source to buy these parts?


Most likely as you say - normal wear items.

The only odd thing I've ever read about is the occasional broken anti-sway bar.



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Antiroll bar front or back can have bushings that squish their way out from the mounts. This is an easy DIY to diagnose and replace. Don't know where to get poly replacement.....presumable any place that caters to the WRX crowd.


I would expect that tie rod ends and ball joints would be suspect as well. While you are in there, might as well check the condition of the struts and strut mounts.


My rears mounts were fine at 90K miles . But the rear struts were blown. I haven't done the front as of 139K miles...but I'd expect the struts at least were blown.

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possible parts sources


OEM; try Jamie at http://www.subarugenuineparts.com


some aftermarket/performance parts might be available from;





I have no connection with them other than being a satisfied customer.



Kartboy carries some aftermarket 'upgraded' bushings - mostly for WRX STI but some of those may work on a legacy, dunno


there are a lot of other places of course.

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