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12/96 EJ22 hydraulic or solid lifters? inteference or not?

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checked my "1997" impreza and it's manufacture date stamp is 12/96, would that means it's hydraulic or solid lifters? really don't feel like pulling the covers just to find out.


also - would that mean it's an interference "1997" EJ22 or a non-interference "pre-1997" EJ22

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I'm not sure about the lifters. Thought all the 2.2 were solid? According to what the people at Subaru.com told me you should have an non-interference motor. Of couse I have been told all sorts of conflicting stuff.


I think there are only two ways to find out out, one is not a pretty option...:eek:

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I believe my dad's '97 Impreza was also manufactured in 1996. If it's a M.Y. 1997, my guess is that it has solid lifters. What does the air intake look like? Is there just a black tube that goes from the air cleaner into the intake manifold? If so, it's hydraulic, because the intake was also redesigned for the '97s.


If there's a big black box-shaped thing before the manifold and an extra "hook" of plastic tubing jutting diagonally out of the air hose, it's the newer, interference motor with solid lifters.


As a recap: ALL EJ22's from 1990-1996 are hydraulic lifters, and non-interference. EJ22s from 1997 onward are solid lifters and interference. Period.


Brian M.

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cool, thanks! i didnt' know about the intake differences.

As a recap: ALL EJ22's from 1990-1996 are hydraulic lifters, and non-interference. EJ22s from 1997 onward are solid lifters and interference. Period.

that's the problem, i knew that! mine being a "1997" model, but 12/96 manufacture date i wasn't sure. i had always assumed it was a 1997 with interference and solid lifters. wanted to know for sure. i'll check the intake differences, i can't remember off the top of my head. the extra box and hook thing you mentioned sounds like mine....which would be 97+ interference design, which is what i had thought all along. we've come full circle... sometimes the longest way 'round is the shortest way home.
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Thought all the 2.2 were solid? According to what the people at Subaru.com told me you should have an non-interference motor.
no and not necessarily. info already posted but 2.2's had both. changed in 1997.
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