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Fixed climate control backlight ... now radio

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Sure ... I read and print the excellent how to on changing the blown-out backlight bulbs on the climate control panel. I wrestle with the circlips like everyone else, manage to get the bulbs replaced, figure while I'm at it I'll take apart the guage console and replace the bulbs for my cruise control and rear defroster switches (also out), put everything back together and look forward to driving the car at night when I can see everything ...


only to discover there is now a light bulb blown out behind my radio.


Of course, it's the one for the clock, too. @#$%! :mad:


So, I figure I can disassemble the dashboard again and figure out how to replace those backlights, but first I thought I'd ask here ... is there a how to for replacing these bulbs?



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I've done the lights behind the preset buttons on the factory cassette radio (1996). It is pretty much the same drill. But you have to carefully remove the plastic plates that hold the button circuit board to the rest of the radio. The clock is the same deal.


I still have my factory radio in the garage since I upgraded to a CD player. I'll dissect it and post some reference photos tonight to help you along if you haven't already started taking it apart.


Thinking along those lines, why not just put in a new CD player?

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