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help diagnose possible head gasket issue?

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hey everyone...

i know...this topic is an old one, but its a good one too...right?


here goes:


i have a 2000 legacy GT, wagon, 101,000 km's ....


when the engine is cold and i am getting going in the morning, i hear the gurgling. i have tried burping it, and the gurgling seems to come back eventually.


i took the car in today to get regular service and asked them to look into the gurgling, possibly bleed the coolant, etc.


the dealership then calls me to let me know that i have an external head gasket leak (common for this car, ya?), and that they are now warning me that i may have an internal head gasket leak as well due to the gurgling symptom and the coolant levels being low.


the thing is....

  • i have no mayo like substance in or on the cap where you add oil.
  • i took a sample of the coolant from the overflow, let it sit, and it doesn't appear to contain any oil (should there be seperation?)
  • the only bubbles that appear are when i squeeze the rad hoses..they are big bubbles, not little ones.
  • i have never had the white exhaust.
  • temperature always holds steady at medium.
  • the car still has the same power as always.
  • everything seems normal.

so, i drive out of the dealership lot this afternoon, car temp is cold...and darn gurgling again! i'm hoping that it is just an air pocket remaining? and that things are ok? again...im an amateur. :)


so....can i get the opinion of some expert folk? how can i atleast rule blowing/blown hg out?




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Although I'm a newbee to Subaru's, I've had tooo much experience with"disappearing" coolant.


<gurgling sound behind the dash>

When system cools and depressurizes, air is notorious for collecting in heater core.


Add green dye and presure test coolant system. Or the leak won't occur until the engine stops circulating the coolant. It cools and slowly leaks onto a hot engine and evaporates. The green dye will show you the leak. Hopefully it's a malfunctioning coolant cap or it could be a rad hose that has a very slow leak.


If inside of windshield is slimey, the heater core or its hoses in the cabin are leaking.


Baby poo, mayo = oil & water mix. They will seperate.

To check for water in oil

1] In the AM before you start the car, open the oil drain plug. Water is heavier than oil and will come out first. A few ounces will tell you.

2] Pulling the valve covers will tell you if you have a bad gasket or cracked head.



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For and external leak the dye and a black light work well - more so if it is a very small leak. Other wise you can look for stains too. Or even a clean area down a dirty block. Depending on how bad the leak might be.


The only way to test internal - head gasket is the follwoing - and may not always work.


Remove the spark plugs - inspect which one is cleaner - due to the water/coolant in that cylinder. Presure test the coolant system while all spark plugs are out and do this a couple times over an hour or so - if it is a small leak.. Coolant will enter the bad cylinder and once you crank it over with the plugs out - it should spit some coolant out - where it is noticable.


With that said as a retired mechanic - I think all clubs should have the members pitch in and buy a "Head-Gasket Leak Test Insttument" from Snap-On Tools.. It is designed to check leaks between combustion chamber and coolant system in all watercooled engines. They are made in Germany. When I use to do a lot of engine work - it was a god sent... GREAT TOOL!!!


OLD stock number YA 2000 (Snap-On label)


Also Exclusively Imported By: Clover International Corporation


Hope that helps and Good luck,



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