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Ok I found the connectors. They are on the right side of the steering colomn in my car. After running I came up with 11, 21, 32, 34, and 11. My brother (a chevy mech suggested that I do the battery trick to clear the codes, and go for a drive, then check again.) I come up with just 21. The temp sensor. I went through napa and they gave me a brass colored single pole sensor. Is this the correct one or is it the one next to it with the big connector?



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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by jimscat

I finally got and replaced the temp sensor and just wanted to let you know alls well and a big thank you to everyone.


Reset the ECU (disconnect battery for 15 minute) anytime you change a sensor. The ECU has to "learn" the replacement sensor.

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You may try leaving it disconnected longer than 15 min. I did that and it did not clear my codes, however after about hour and a half it did while I was working on the stereo. You could leave it off overnight and that is a gaurentee.

I have heard one thing on that however, let your car idle for about 10-15 min to let it relearn without pushing on gas or driving it. I have heard of others having problems and have experienced them myself with connecting and getting in for a test drive.

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Because I am trying to figure out why the sube engine in the back of my bug won't start, and, well, the connector got hacked off looong ago. Just trying to make sure I have the right wires.


I'm gonna start a new thread, so feel free not to reply.

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