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I just did my '91 Loyale with Bosch. Platinum plugs($2 each), Rotor, Cap, and 7MM wires. I set the gap at .42, which is the hi-end for my car(.35 - .42) Runs Much Better! Revs right up to 6K, where it kinda Petered out around 5K before. Be careful taking the screws outta the Rotor Cap! Snapped the heads off, and had 2 studs! (Drilled 'em through, Nut/Bolt holds cap down now...)


Hope this helps a little,


Fat Tony - http://www.smashbandits.com

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Plugs don't come "bigger" the gap between the electrodes can be made bigger, but unless you have a coil that can handle the increased gap, you're gonna get more misfires and be down on power. If you do increase the gap, i've run .050 without any problems, make sure that your wires, rotor and cap are in tip top condition.


As for "high performance" wires, umm, theres two types of wires, ones that work and ones that don't, high performance dosn't seem to make much difference in wires, especially at the minimal voltage and rpm's you're gonna be running.


For plugs NGK all the way, thats what they were engineered to run from the factory, and they'll run better on those than anything else, i've seen quite a few horror stories on this board about bosch plugs in a subie.


Get the cheap copper plugs, if you plan on replacing them every 30k, as you should, they have better spark capacity then the platinum, the platinum aids in longevity, but dosn't help spark power.

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