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I tried to take a look at my air filter last night, but ran into a bit of a glitch. I couldn't get the case off to get at the filter.


With my Loyale it was a piece of cake, unclip the clips (there were four of them) and pop off the case to get the filter. With my 98 Legacy I uncliped the two clips (are those the only two?, I didn't see any others), but the case wouldn't budge.


Did I miss something?


Urban Coyote

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Not sure if it is the same for the gen 2's and 3's, but my '02 you kinda have to pull the top of the backing out first, then pull the whole backing up and out. The bottom of the back piece has some tabs that fit into the bottom of the airbox...

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just checked the ol' rally pup (sadly parked until she heals:-\ ) and no tabs. it just takes some convincing. you can disconnect the vacuum hose to make it a little easier, just reconnect and it'll still work


Thanks guys! I'll give it a little more elbow grease this evening and see if I can get the darn thing off.


Urban Coyote

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Thanks guys! I'll give it a little more elbow grease this evening and see if I can get the darn thing off.


Urban Coyote


My 98 OB has two clips on one end and tabs on the other. A bit difficult to remove and worse to install. Remove hoses and its a little easier but still a pain in the neck!

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*Phew* Ok, I just got my new air filter in.


I tell you, that whole process has got to be the biggest pain in the rump roast ever!! For something that was soooooo simple in my Loyale, it's a whole lot more difficult in the Legacy.


abeauch you were right, there are the clips in the front and the tabs at the back. Putting the darn thing back on meant hooking the tabs in the back first and then wrestling the front into place. I had to clip the table in then brace against the wheel and haul the front into place (I'm not a big person).....after struggling with it for about half an hour before hand. I have to agree too that removing the hose makes it easier too.....not easy enough though.


Urban Coyote

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*Phew* Ok, I just got my new air filter in.


I tell you, that whole process has got to be the biggest pain in the rump roast ever!! For something that was soooooo simple in my Loyale, it's a whole lot more difficult in the Legacy.


Yes, I have just replaced mine as well (99 sedan), sounds like the same setup, row of three tabs at the bottom, and the two clips at the top. I found the easiest way was to hold the filter into the _top_ of the box, then get the tabs lined up at the bottom before closing and fitting the clips. I have seen installation instructions recommending the removal of the entire air box (two bolts hold brackets to the body) but this would seem like an almost more difficult operation, needing at least an 8" socket extension?


I also loosened the two circular clips and removed the inlet pipe section after the air box, this makes things a lot easier.

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