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Carpet Kits for Subes?

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Hello All,

Anyone know where to get new carpet kits for Subarus? (pre-1995)

JC Whitney does not that I could find.

I know the default is to go to Home Depot for a swathe and cut it myself.

Thanks, r/ PK.

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On the other hand, you might see how the existing carpet looks if you remove it from the car and really clean it. That's what I did. Gotta remove the seats and some trim, but then the carpet is removable. I dumped a bunch of Simple Green on mine, then brought it to the local spray it yourself car wash. You'd be amazed. Not new and plush, but it wasn't plush when new so who cares? The biggest mistake I made was allowing the sound deadening padding underneath to get too wet - that stuff is like a sponge and takes days to dry out.

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I sank my car in a pond, and it STILL hasn't dried out. Especially the rear footwells. I'm going to just tear the carpet out and call it done. I can't hear anything over the tires anyway, so what good is sound deadening?


Just throw down floor mats over the carpet. My cars always seem to wear a hole in the carpet from the drivers heel. So I find another floor mat and toss it in.

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I sank my car in a pond, and it STILL hasn't dried out. Especially the rear footwells. I'm going to just tear the carpet out and call it done. I can't hear anything over the tires anyway, so what good is sound deadening?


Just throw down floor mats over the carpet. My cars always seem to wear a hole in the carpet from the drivers heel. So I find another floor mat and toss it in.


you could rip out the carpet and cover the floor with some bed liner? sounds like a cool idea to me..

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