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Slow & Wussy Power Windows... How to make them better?

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So, since i've had my impreza... i've been sort of annoyed at how slow & wussy the power windows are... so i'm thinking i may want to upgrade my motors to get some real nut in those windows... any thoughts?

I also think i may have a bad ground in the passenger rear door.. that window is DEATHLY slow...

I'll open up the doors when it stops raining (yeah right.. :rolleyes: ) and see what sort of motor will fit in there :D

I want to have enough power in those suckers to crush a hand real good, right now, if i try to squish my hand (i got bored today.. give me a break..) it doesn't really hurt that much.. the motor just wusses out... i need some hand crushing power!!! :headbang:


All of these posts about power window speed but no one has asked "does the window operate faster with the door open?" If a window operates faster with the door open, lubricate the window opening surround weatherstrip using an old cloth soaked with silicon spray. That allows the glass to glide across the strip, rather than bind against it as the glass goes up.

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All of these posts about power window speed but no one has asked "does the window operate faster with the door open?" If a window operates faster with the door open, lubricate the window opening surround weatherstrip using an old cloth soaked with silicon spray. That allows the glass to glide across the strip, rather than bind against it as the glass goes up.


i know that there is a bad joke here someplace but i just cant think of one :banana:


That would account for the last inch of travel. rember these cars are frameless windows. You may have a point with the sunroof though


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i know that there is a bad joke here someplace but i just cant think of one :banana:


That would account for the last inch of travel. rember these cars are frameless windows. You may have a point with the sunroof though



Nipper is that your warped mind at work? Sorta sounds like me. And all this time I imagined you to be as pure as new-fallen snow, with a halo glowing above your head....

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