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Anyone wanna take a guess at these?

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Ok maybe it is just my car, or maybe not.

Codes 12 + 34....



Anyways on my 93 loyale 5Spd. S/W When you shift from Neutral in to 1st it bogs way down and then finally starts to accelerate, even if i push the throttle to the floor it still bogsssssssss and then excelerates any ideas? Oh and it does it all of the time, whether or not the engine is hot or cold.


Now I prolly sound stupid, but i think that my car is a lot quicker at night, as far as acceleration etc..... s that just because its cooler out?



Also after about 5 min. of driving my check engine light comes on....how do i diagnose why?



So Im thinking theres either too much gas OR too much air goin into the FI....or could this be an o2 sensor problem?

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alright i'm confused a little bit... this is an 83 loyale? with FI?


did you swap it to FI or is there a typo somewhere?


if this were a carb'd motor, like most 83's (unless it's a turbo?) i'd say its an accel pump problem...


but i don't think you'd have a CEL on an 83...


hmmm... more people are gonna have clue into this...

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replace the oxygen sensor it only costs like 20-$30 and its well worth the cost i got and additional 3-5 mpg after i installed my new oxygen sensor although i also installed a new engine so it may be unrelated

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my initial guess is the throttle position sensor.


Next time when the CEL comes on, pull over (in a safe place), leave the car on, and look right under the steering column for a flashing LED.


Count the long pulses and short pulses, and let us know what they are. More info on pulling codes is here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/USRM2/mick-usrm/electrical/ecucodes.html


you could also connect the white (or black) connectors under the hood, then read the stored codes from the LED.

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check for a body in the trunk..that will do it....:lol:

does it bog down in 2nd and third etc...is is consistant with road speeds or engine speeds...hold on thats a bit too technical i think...:grin:


the oxygen sensor wont be the problem...i agree with above..check the codes under the steering column..look for a black box..it will have a flashing light..go there...

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  hooziewhatsit said:
my initial guess is the throttle position sensor.


Next time when the CEL comes on, pull over (in a safe place), leave the car on, and look right under the steering column for a flashing LED.


Count the long pulses and short pulses, and let us know what they are. More info on pulling codes is here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/USRM2/mick-usrm/electrical/ecucodes.html


you could also connect the white (or black) connectors under the hood, then read the stored codes from the LED.

I looked but I can't seem to find a flashing LED light? I dont know what to do....uhhmm anyone have some pictures maybe?

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  NewDriverOlderRide said:
I looked but I can't seem to find a flashing LED light? I dont know what to do....uhhmm anyone have some pictures maybe?


You may have to remove the lower kick panel the first time, just to get a good idea of where it is.


So, remove the panel that your knees are closest to, and look for a black metal box, roughly 8"x8"x2". On one edge will be a hole, with an LED just inside it.


When you turn the key to 'on', it should blink 5-7 times, unless there are codes, then you'll have to count the long/short pulses.


Once you know where it is, you can put the kick panel back on. In my car, I can just flex the panel a bit to see through the steering wheel to where the LED is.

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It's been a long time so bear with me here...seems like we used to replace an altimeter on the passenger side of the engine compartment, bout the size of a small box of matches, black with one vacuum hose leading to it Seems like this was on fuel injected engines. Never did figure a way to test them, just put used ones on there until the light stayed off.

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  manxsta said:
check for a body in the trunk..that will do it....:lol:


It's True!


Also, I have similar performance when I floor it in 1st & 2nd. I've found that 1/2 to 2/3 GO-Pedal will take me smoothly to 5K RPM. It rev's just as fast(or slow...), and doesn't bog down, or hit those Flat Spots at 2500 & 3500 RPM.


Between that, and dumping Vito outta da trunk has worked Wondas!!!


Fat Tony - http://www.smashbandits.com :headbang:

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  Anthenium said:
  manxsta said:
check for a body in the trunk..that will do it....:lol:


It's True!


Also, I have similar performance when I floor it in 1st & 2nd. I've found that 1/2 to 2/3 GO-Pedal will take me smoothly to 5K RPM. It rev's just as fast(or slow...), and doesn't bog down, or hit those Flat Spots at 2500 & 3500 RPM.


Between that, and dumping Vito outta da trunk has worked Wondas!!!


Fat Tony - www.smashbandits.com :headbang:

Yea, thats the same with me.

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To pull the codes on the 93 loyale, which I also have, you have to remove the kick pannel below the steering wheel (3 metal screws and 2 plastic ones), connect the white connectors by the drivers side firewall (there are white and green connectors. The green ones keep the computer from messing with the timing and stuff when connected) and turn the ignition to ON, unless it already is on. I usually have to lay down under the steering wheel to see the LED in the computer (silver grey box) blink. To clear the codes connect both with the ignition ON.


My loyale also does this but only when the engine's cold and only when I start it moving. I find that if I pulse the gas pedal it doesn't bog down as much until the RPMs are up.


I'm also interested in knowing what causes this. Mixture too rich/lean? Timing not advancing/retarding to compensate for cold start conditions?

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