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Steering wheel swap: Legacy to EA81


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How would you recommend doing it?? I'm going to do it one way or another, so don't try to convince me otherwise! :)

I bought a JDM momo wheel from a legacy and I want it to fit the EA81. but the splines are different. Any thoughts?



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Yep! That's what I'm talking about. they are pretty slick, in fact... I bought a second one and I don't really know why...:confused: . Oh well, I'm sure I'll find a use for it sometime. I like the look a lot more than the full on race steering wheels.

Anyway, I was thinking I would have to do some welding. I suppose it would be easier to weld the wheel than weld the steering column... Thanks for the tip!


  TheSubaruJunkie said:
Shawn i believe he's talking about the Momo wheels that were offered on JDM Legacy's. A couple guys here in Sacramento have them, and they are very slick looking, no adapter needed they use the stock legacy splines.



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