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Brake pedal makes the shifter twitch?!?!?

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Hey guys, I'm clueless when it comes to how these things work. I've got an automatic 93 subaru loyale sedan. I had some problems before with the shifter in park and the car rolling to which someone mentioned it's probably just the shifter needing adjustment.


Today after I changed the air filter (suprisingly easy... and boy did it need it) I started the car up and let it idle just to see if there was a difference and to see if I had noticed any problems with my installation of the new air filter. As I went to shut off the car I pressed in the brake pedal and the shifter jiggled. I tried it a few more times just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind and sure enough the shifter would jiggle every time I pushed in the brake pedal.


Any idea what that is about and if I should be concerned?


Thanks everyone, you've already been a huge help! :)

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If I remember corectly, there is a solenoid which prevents you from moving the gear shift unless the brake pedal is depressed. the jiggle you see is the solenoid dragging on your out of adjustment gear selector. I think.

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