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tried the atf flush on my hatch

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i drained the 500 mile old 20w50 outa it and it came out like water, smelled bad like it had gas in it.. go figure..


filled it with 4 quarts of atf.. let it run for 15-20 min.. lifters quieted down a hole bunch. almost non existent tick now..


so i drained the atf outa it, (was almost black) changed the filter and put 10w40 high mileage half synthetic mobil 1 in it. (left over from the acura).


on initial startup the rod knock i was hearin sounded like i was beatin on it with a hammer.. then 5 sec later, poof gone..


so its not tickin and not knockin at the moment.. but i did see metal sparkles in the 500 mile old 20w50 i drained outa it. so i'm pretty sure the knock is a rod knock now, most deffinitely..


the other thought i had was that maybe an oil pasage was clogged, makin it knock. and the atf flushed it out, and now the bearing is getting proper oiling and not knockin.. we'll see when i drive it to work tomorrow.. the knock usually came on after it warmed up good..


but i do have a good spare engine here i'm going to tear down and do a partial rebuild on.. then when mine blows, i'll tow it home, and swap and engine some weekend.. piece of cake really..


just wanted to let ya'll know how the atf flush went.. works very well for cleanin out a clogged motor.. ohh there were no metal shavings in the atf when i drained it either..:brolleye:

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Before I change my oil in any of my vehicles I always add a quart of ATF and drive about 30 or 40 miles. My 84 Turbo Brat has 154,000 Miles on it and after 3,000 miles the oil looks very clean. When I got the car about 15,000 miles ago the oil was pretty black.After a few changes with the ATF it looks good all the time. Try it its worked in my Sube,my Cherokee, and my 69 Valiant.

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ATF has a lot of detergents in it, and dissolves all kinds of crud. Personally, I would use it over 'motor flush' or MMO.

It also makes a decent hand cleaner for REALLY nasty stuff, like the oil sprayed all over the back of your car when the rear seal goes, or baked -on oily, tarlike s***. Yeah.

You still have to wash your hands, but it doesn't take half an hour.

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Use the Dextron II, it's better for the engine or trans, or diffs for that matter.

DO NOT, use the Type F stuff. It can, and more than likely will, hurt whatever you put it in. It has a grittier type of blend to it, or so I've been told.

And yes, ATF is an excelant hand cleaner.

Does wonders for oxidized paint on a car too.

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well, after the car warmed up its started rattling like hell and the knock is still there :banghead:


so guess i'll be rebuildin this spare this weekend.. maybe get it in there next weekend.. grrr..



its always annoying when ya get to 1500-2000 rpm's and the lifters diesel, (float, clatter like hell) then ya gotta put up with the gremlin beatin on it with a hammer, and it soundin like it needs an oil pump in the worst way...

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most of your off-the-shelf motor flushes and injector cleaner addatives are usually some kind of watered-up kerosene of some matter.


personally i hate atf, but that is atf dripping on me,while working on an automatic. its one of my least favorite fluids to have on me. but that dont mean i wont try it!


but on that topic, my least favorite fluids to be covered in goes as follows.



engine coolant

engine oil

brake fluid


Gear Oil

bearing grease


there you have it, in that order!

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