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Troubleshooting water temp increase

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2003 OBW 2.5 headgaskets replaced at 88,000 miles currently 113,000 mi.

We got a spot of 90o days. Today I was driving at interstate speed and all of a sudden the AC was blowing outside air. I was pretty sure I remember reading the AC kicks off when the water gets too hot. Sure enough with the AC off the temp came down. As I continued around the beltway I was off and on with the AC to keep the temp below the upper white line or in the Normal operating temp. I have checked the following so far.

Coolant in the Resv. On the low line while hot.

Electric fans are OK.

Rad Cap off coolant visable.

Squeezed upper H2O tube no bubbles.

Topped off Resv.


I have an appointment next week to have a Pro check it out. Any suggestion on what to look for. I'm probably a 7/10 Do it your selfer. Valve adjustment on a Motorcycle is about as far as I will go.

Thanks for taking a look.


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DId you have the radiator flushed when the HG was replaced. You just described a clogged radiator, but that doesnt happen untill the car gets over 10 years old. Of course antifreeze + oil = gunk, and that will clog it too. If it was a HG issue it would have boiled over, a clogged radiator the gauge will go 3/4 high, the ac will kick off, the temp will drop and repeat.



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DId you have the radiator flushed when the HG was replaced. :cool: No idea but I would think...no never mind, I don't know:cool: You just described a clogged radiator, but that doesnt happen untill the car gets over 10 years old. :cool: I know there is at least one can of that Subaru stop leak introduced into the system before the HG was replaced:cool: Of course antifreeze + oil = gunk, and that will clog it too. If it was a HG issue it would have boiled over, a clogged radiator the gauge will go 3/4 high, the ac will kick off, the temp will drop and repeat.




Thanks Nipper I'll park it for a while to play it safe. I would guess it is partly clogged. Hopefully flushing will cure the problem.

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Thanks Nipper I'll park it for a while to play it safe. I would guess it is partly clogged. Hopefully flushing will cure the problem.


on the SVX baord the run dawn through the radiator to clean them up. (step one remove raditor from car)


Just an idea


Could be the radiator is just clogged and time for a replacement. i use radiator.com myself.



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