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hood latch question for OBS

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I have a 97 OBS (139,000 miles on the clock), and tonight while chaecking the oil I noticed that the hood latch is not snugging up the hood completely. It seems that the latch is engaging, I cannot pull the hood up to the point where the safety latch is all that is holding the hood, but the hood has about a 1/8-1/4 inch play in it while the main latch is holding it. I know this isn't normal, but I cannot find a reason for this to be occurring. THe latch and the hood seems to look ok, no noticable areas that are not inline, so I am at a lost.


Any suggestions are welcome!!!



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There certainly should be!


Each front corner of the car has rubber bump stop that can be rotated to alter the height at which they engage the hood.


Adjust them upwards in quarter turns until the hood will just move a tiny bit up and down. If you raise them too high the hood will be hard to shut and the latch will wear out faster.

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