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need help! 95 legacy keeps blowing fusible link-revisited

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hello all.

i will try to keep it brief. the problem started w/ blowing the fusible link and hard wiring a fix to get home. after that the car ran fine for a week and then failed to start when warm. i pulled some relays and plugged them back in and after 10 minutes the car started. this happend a couple more time over the nest two weeks. the last time after it started i had a funny brake pedal feeling coming to a stop, the abs light came on along with the trans fluid temp light and the cel. while trying to limp home every time i hit the brake the tach and speedo would drop down to zero (car stayed running), the warning lights were intermittant and the car did not shift properly.

now the car won't start on aregualr basis. i replaced the ECU and it didn't help. any suggestions would be helpful. i think i read some post about a serious issue like this being a bad ground. is this possible? if so, which grounds are likely suspect?

thank you all again.


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ECU is the last thing to check, first thing is the altenator starter and battery.



would those items make the car buck and affect the abs system, while blowing the fusible link and causing the light show on the dash? there is rust under the hood, is it possible that it is a ground issue?

thank you,


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a car needs electricity to run. As it runs out of power, its going buck and miss and kick and god knows what else (especially if its a manual). a short can backfeed through the electricl system in the weirdest ways and make your dashbaord light up like a christmas tree, and the only light that wont be on is the alt light.

You have a serious short some place, inspect all the cables and harnesses. Have the alt and battery checked.



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In order to help you further with this Gregg it would help to know which fusible link is blowing out so we can know what circuits could be causing the problem.


A bad ground should not cause a link to blow out since it will add resistance to a circuit rather than make a low resistance short. There may be a pinched power wire that is touching ground or something like causing the problem. By knowing what circuits to check, it will help eliminate the possible trouble areas the link is tied to.

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