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Okay, how does a Justy 4wd button work??

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A wiring diagram would be nice. Basically, there is a red, white and yellow wire.

The red and yellow have juice when the key is on, and the white does not.

I'm trying to get my 4wd to engage by installing a simple switch.

I already cut the wires, so no turning back now! Thanks for your help.


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Okay, I disected my switch, and figured out what I need to do:

It isn't just a simple two-way "on-off" switch. I thought that it would be, and 4wd would be "on", and 2wd would be "off".

It's actually a switch with two "on" positions and a common (ground I guess?).

Time to head to radio shack!

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I'm actually working on the same thing now, for an 86 gl-10. I plan to leave it in 4wd all the time for a rwd conversion. My Heinous Repair Manual says nothing about it! What would be the best way to engage the rear end permanently?

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Could you just strip the wires and put a wire nut on them? It would be permanent! Otherwise, I'm not much of an electrical guy. I can usually figure things out okay, but I don't have extensive knowledge in that area (or any area really...)

Yeah, I have a Chilton manual for subarus 85-92 and it is awful.

I'm actually working on the same thing now, for an 86 gl-10. I plan to leave it in 4wd all the time for a rwd conversion. My Heinous Repair Manual says nothing about it! What would be the best way to engage the rear end permanently?
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Well, I looked around a bit more and from what I can tell, the button actually controls a vacuum solenoid attached to a linkage that extends to the transfer case. I guess I just need to jam that lever in place somehow. This may explain why there are 3 wires to the button, one to open the solenoid and one to close it.

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This may explain why there are 3 wires to the button, one to open the solenoid and one to close it.


The two "live" wires need to be on "opposite" ends of the switch. So when you flip your switch to "4wd on" it sends the "on" signal (sorry i dont know which color is on) down the wire that has no power (white?) and when you switch to "4wd off" it sends the "off" signal down the wire.. sorry if that doesnt make a lot of sense.. my hands hurt

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