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outback fitted with ea82 D/R??


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John Bloom did that swap into forrester ranger's ride.. don't really know John's status on this board anymore, but this is the only ea d/r into an ej car that I know of. The only real trick is the front stubb shafts, there are a few way around this.

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front axles are easy, FWD impreza's use a 23-spline inner DOJ cup, just like EA82 N/As. and the axles are the same as the legacy ones (or at least Gen 1 legacies....I can't say about later ones).


the trick is driveshaft, as the EJ one won't go into the back of the tranny...and the EA one uses a different center carrier bracket. a custom shaft will probably need to be used.


and then there's the crossmember....and linkage. I haven't looked at that yet....

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