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Should these wires be hanging?

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Appears to be diagnostic connector and probes. They're normally insulated with electrical tape and taped to the harness, high enough so that you can't accidentally stomp on them when aiming for the accelerator.

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Why cant I ever see atached thumbnails??
What do you see where the thumbnail picture(s) should be; a red "X", blank space, something else?



maybe you dont have thumbs?:brow:
At least that way you can't be accused of being "all thumbs" ;) .
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A mini version of the full-sized picture should be there. If all you're getting is a red X or a blank square, then you don't have a plug-in for your browser that allows the shrunk images to be shown. No matter which browser you're using, all the most recent versions come with those plug-ins already included. Might be time to upgrade your software, maybe?

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I took a look under my dash when i saw these two wires hanging. Is this right? Its a 93 leg wag. Replies are appreciated.


i dont like that fact that they are bare wires and really dont look like factory wires. Can you see where they backtrack to?



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Thats what i thought. It seems to go to that plug u see there, because it looks like it should be tied together, but it must be diagnoisics, as the car run like new. Look under ur dash and see if u see two black wires to that connector.



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i dont like that fact that they are bare wires and really dont look like factory wires. Can you see where they backtrack to?
They're factory wiring. The "bare" ones are ground probes.



Thats what i thought. It seems to go to that plug u see there, because it looks like it should be tied together, but it must be diagnoisics, as the car run like new. Look under ur dash and see if u see two black wires to that connector.
The connector and the probes are only supposed to be joined when you're running diagnostics.


As I said before, they should be insulated with electrical tape and fastened to the harness so that you can't step on them (and to keep them from shorting to something else):horse: !!

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at least i didnt say they needed to be connected :banana:
Okay, you get points for that :) . Since I now expect someone to ask what the diagnostics are for, as far as I know connector B82 and the probes are used to help with ABS, air bag, and/or 4EAT diagnosis, depending on the model year. For example, I last used mine to get the ABS dash light to blink the fault code, and then to reset (erase) the code in memory once the ABS repair was done.
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