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mpfi to spfi ea82??


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Today i was at the junkyard and their was a 1987 subaru xt with a ea82 motor with multi port fuel injectiong i never knew their was sutch a thing and i am a really big subaru fan i have a 91 loyale with single port fuel injection if i were to take the intake off that other subaru would it bolt up to the one on my car and if so that is great all i need to do then is pull it off and take the wireing harness with but i am not shur if it will be worth it

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MPFI heads are the same as Turbo heads. The intake is dual port. SPFI and Carb heads are the same, intake is single port.


To convert an SPFI car to MPFI, you'd need to swap heads, intake, ECU, wiring harness, possibly disty, possibly MAF, and anything else that isn't the same.


Too much trouble if you ask me

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The intake ports on MPFI heads are different then an SPFI head so you would need to swap the heads as well. In addition to that, the SPFI ECU, wiring and some sensors are different too; so you will need to swap thoes as well. Another thing is the wiring on a XT is different then a Loyal, as far as plug and connector locations go, so you would need to do some customization.

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