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carbed EA82 oil in aircleaner!?

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so ive been having some trouble with my car stalling out and not wanting to idle...adjusted the idle up to about 2k and when it does want to idle it idles around there but still likes to die when i dont accelerate or stop. I noticed quite a bit of oil up in the air cleaner and was wondering if ive got a bad blowby problem or what and is that more than likely my problem with the car stalling out and running funny? what would be the best thing to do? is it a really big deal or should i just keep it clean and check the air filter every once in a while? if its a big problem then i will probably take it as a hint that I need to start looking for an EJ donor car and do that swap ive been dreaming about but for now still need this wagon as my daily driver. thanks for the input.

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You can get a K&N filter assembly, and then when it gets full of oil at least you can clean it and re-oil the filter instead of buying a new one.

They are better filters anyway, and I've found that it sometimes takes a while to get the oil consumption into the intake to stop. Cleaning the PCV is the first step, but it does not seem to curb the oil issue right away. Replaceing the hoses with new ones are a good idea too as the inside of the hoses becomes caked with carbon.



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I had the same problem and changed out the PVC for a new one..even if the old PVC rattles, they can get suck from time to time...if that does not help, then disconnect the rubber pipe at the air filter holder, the one coming out of the passenger side valve cover...you can remove the pipe completely and put a small filter on the valve cover pipe stem. and don't forget to put a rubber cap were the hose was connected to the air filter holder...most likely your carb is sucking oil along with air thru the pipe.. why it does not idle...who knows?

so ive been having some trouble with my car stalling out and not wanting to idle...adjusted the idle up to about 2k and when it does want to idle it idles around there but still likes to die when i dont accelerate or stop. I noticed quite a bit of oil up in the air cleaner and was wondering if ive got a bad blowby problem or what and is that more than likely my problem with the car stalling out and running funny? what would be the best thing to do? is it a really big deal or should i just keep it clean and check the air filter every once in a while? if its a big problem then i will probably take it as a hint that I need to start looking for an EJ donor car and do that swap ive been dreaming about but for now still need this wagon as my daily driver. thanks for the input.
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thanks for the tips...havn't been able to do anything with it because they didnt have the right distributor cap and plug wires so my car isnt running at the moment. any way to get a picture or a couple pictures of that hose your talking about...not real sure if im looking at the same one your talking about.

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well being a mechanic blow by is most caused by bad pcv valve, or rings letting oil go back up the motor. hope it's the first one, a clauged air filter could do it also causing a reverse sucktion and causinf the carb to starve for air, take the air filter out and see if it runs better, if it is the air filter what peter is describing could be your whole problem because that is the next place the carb will try and get air from

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  • 2 weeks later...

changed out the pcv valve, air filter, and blasted out the hoses and lines and such with air intake system cleaner and after a few days ive been keeping an eye on it and there still is a tad bit of oil coming in but its barely noticeable and is a HUGE difference from what it was. thanks for all the help!! :banana::clap::grin::D:banana:

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changed out the pcv valve, air filter, and blasted out the hoses and lines and such with air intake system cleaner and after a few days ive been keeping an eye on it and there still is a tad bit of oil coming in but its barely noticeable and is a HUGE difference from what it was. thanks for all the help!! :banana::clap::grin::D:banana:

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you can speed up the process to see if what you have done will correct the problem...Take the car out on the highway and use a gear that will let you drive without speeding in the 4500-5000 RPM...drive for 10 min..check the breather area for oil...if you find oil there, you may still have to disconnect the pipe from the passanger side valve cover and install a very small breather on the cover... at least the car will not be sucking up oil into the carb from that side of the valve cover where most likely the oil is coming from...you may want to remove the new air filter for this short time...it could become oil soaked

changed out the pcv valve, air filter, and blasted out the hoses and lines and such with air intake system cleaner and after a few days ive been keeping an eye on it and there still is a tad bit of oil coming in but its barely noticeable and is a HUGE difference from what it was. thanks for all the help!! :banana::clap::grin::D:banana:
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