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Suggestions on hatch (Now in my garage!!!!!)

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Well, I just called a towing company to see how much thye would charge to winch it on a rollback and bring it to me garage and they charge $50. I figure i will go this route because uhual wants 50 for the car transport and I will also avoid the hassle of loading it and tranporting it myself.

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After close inspection, the kick panels are very solid on this car. The floor is a little rotted away but not too bad. Looks like thats the only rot I found so far, but Ill be able to see better on saturday when I rip the carpet and interior out to get at the floor.

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we filled it up, a little priming down the carb, a few pumps of the gas, and it fired right up:banana: ...a little rough, but nothing unexpected...we will post more pics as the work progresses. in case you guys are wndering i am jeep5.9litre's (matt's) brother and we are working on this at my garage. i was not trying to hijack the thread or anything...

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