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Overheating 84GL

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OK team, This 1800 84 GL is on a slow overheat. I changed the thermostat and it did nothing. Let me tell you that for hard to change thermostats. Suburu wins the prize in my book. I can drive 9 miles and the temp gauge is in the red. When this happens I turn the heat and blower on and it seems that it stays steady at the low side of the red in the gauge.

I have not ran it so hot that the needle hits the stop peg, but I bet I could if I turn off the heater and race hard. It is now summer and running the heater is unpleasant for me.


Is there someting in the motor other than the thermostat that will make it run so hot other than a worn out radiator?


SHould I poor radiator cleaner in it or will that cause some unforeseen damage? SC

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yea, you could wire the electric fan to the coil so it is on constantly as soon as you turn the key........as long as you keep the coolant level up, and don`t run it in the red, you can run it with a bad HG for a while....

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I hope it aint a head gasket, I already have a sick toyota van with one of those.


SInce the GL has been sitting for about 7 years I am thinking its the radiator but when I look in the filler hole, there is a plate in front of the radiator tubes and I cant tell if they are plugged. Thanks . for the suggestions. SOmetimes when I work on this thing I find out it is not a normal car. By the way, The fan is coming on automatic when its hot. Im about to run some radiator cleanner threw it to see if I gets any cooler SC

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You right about replacing this rediaotr . I all ready have JP weld in 2 or 3 places to hold a blown seem shut.


I ran the radiator cleaner in it anyway and some chunky stuff came out. While I was warming it up with the radiator cap off the thermostat finaly opened and woosh. I got a 2 foot hurl of water and anti freeze out the radiator cap. It made me think that there was more than just hot water pressure and that maybe some slipping head gas pressure was included. OR maybe I should not run the car with the cap off. I need to check the spark plugs to see if any of the spark plug tips look messy. Does a head gasket on these Sub's involve engine removal? From the looks of things it might be easier than a regular inline 4.



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Make sure that you didn't put the thermostat in up side down. I don't know if it will fit in wrong or not, but it seems like a possible scenario if your car shoots coolant out the radiatior. Did this to my mgb and had the same problems you are having.

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Thz. I'm pretty sure its in right since it was messing up and getting hot before i changed it and it it still is hot. The spring side goes in the engine, That is my thermostat Motto. Since I ran the can or radiator cleaner I have not drove it. I am excited to see what happens when I got to work Monday. Whoopee. Work.. SC

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I went and got a new radiator off the internet for 90 bucks. I did have to buy a bigger radiator cap but thats ok my old one needed new rubber. It says its for a Brat and it has the A/T pipes so I think it has extra cooling capacity. I ran around today, Its July 10, very hot , in Georgia, and no overheat. I keep checking the gauge and I am not overheating. WHoopee, I thinks I'm fixed. Thanks for the help . SC

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