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Wouldnt start but now wont idle?

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I picked up my non-runnung 91 loyale for 300. It wouldn't run hence the price. I tried it today and when the key is in the "on" position, the solenoids with the black connector and white connector were clicking sparatically along with the cylinder shaped thing under the throttlebody? Would this indicate why it wont run? I discunnected the connectors on all 3 and it would start briefly. Any ideas?




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under the hood, near the wiper motor, should be a set of either white or black single wire connectors, and a pair of green connectors. If any of them are connected, disconnect them. They're used for testing purposes. Having the green ones connected will cause the solenoids to click. At least you now know the solenoids still work :)


Also, the fuel pump should also pulse on/off when the greens are connected. If it doesn't, that could be your main problem. (the fuel pump is in front of the right rear tire)


You say they were clicking speratically? They should tick with about 1 second on, 1 second off...


As for the non-running problem, if the fuel pump works, take the distributor cap off and make sure that the screw in the rotor is still there, and that the rotor spins when someone else cranks it over. Could be other things, but that's the most common (missing screw, or blown timing belt)

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the fuel pump comes on when you turn the key like normal. the solenoids will click for a while and stop. there doesnt seem to be a pattern? If it were in test mode. would it keep the car from running? BTW, I had the car running(just not well) so its not the rotor.


Thanks again,


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Well, I took a gamble and lost. Turns out the green plug was connected. I also found a vacuum line that was kinked. Fixed that and she started right up. Problem is; It started bellowing out white smoke. I let it dissipate for a while and it wasn't smoking too bad so I took it for a ride. About 3 blocks away I romped on it and it coughed and shut off. I disconnected the PCV system from the top of the throttlebody and could see milkshake inside of the tube. I figure water/oil was being coughed down it and causing it to run like ************. Well, I got it fired back up and limped back home. Headgasket time :mad: New question.....Can it be done without pulling the motor? Where is the best place to buy a gasket kit? Damnit! Thats what I get for buying a non-running car.

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Well, I took a gamble and lost. Turns out the green plug was connected. I also found a vacuum line that was kinked. Fixed that and she started right up. Problem is; It started bellowing out white smoke. I let it dissipate for a while and it wasn't smoking too bad so I took it for a ride. About 3 blocks away I romped on it and it coughed and shut off. I disconnected the PCV system from the top of the throttlebody and could see milkshake inside of the tube. I figure water/oil was being coughed down it and causing it to run like ************. Well, I got it fired back up and limped back home. Headgasket time :mad: New question.....Can it be done without pulling the motor? Where is the best place to buy a gasket kit? Damnit! Thats what I get for buying a non-running car.


Bummer dude! you never know a 300 dolllar non-runner could have been fine and gone for another hundred thousand miles, just bad luck this time :-\

Dont know about good suppliers over there but think people use:





Good luck.:burnout:

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Well, I got it fired back up and limped back home. Headgasket time :mad: New question.....Can it be done without pulling the motor?

Phil and I did the head gaskets on my XT Turbo without pulling the motor. Definitely would have been easier, but not necessary. Most difficult side was the driver's side. Had some clearance issues. Overall, not too difficult of a job.

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