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'87 GL--problems engine over 2500 rpms..please help!

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I know this is very long, but please bear with me while I try to describe the problem…


Ok. I have a 1987 Subaru GL hatchback, 4wd, 187k. I have had the car about 3 years, before that my brother had it for about 3 years also. Starting about 5 months ago, my car would not idle if I took my foot off the gas. As a pizza delivery guy I just learned to keep one foot on the gas at all times, and lived with it. But—in the last month or so, my car has really lost power. I realize that it is a Subaru…but here is the problem:


In first gear, I can run up to about 2500 rpms, about 15mph, and it will do okay. But—after that if I keep giving it gas, it will choke out. It stopps giving power, and will do this jerky thingy. If I let off the gas, it will keep running, but I cannot give it more gas again without it choking. If I shift, and barely give it gas, I can continue to speed up, but again once I reach about 2500 rpms, it does the same thing. My mechanic was able to get it up to 50mph doing this, but still no power, and still unable to run over 2500 rpms.


The steps I have taken are:

*Air filter- AOK!

*Spark plugs—one was bent down. Fixed it, but it didn’t help

*Put car up on lift—took exhaust off bottom of engine. Car was able to wrap right up, but with a load—still same problem

*my mechanic checked the temps along the exhaust system—several hundred degrees before the first catty, after it only a little over 100

*thinking the front catty was clogged he cut a hole in the bottom of it and smashed the catalyst out. It was fine, and now I just have a loud car with no power.

*checked the fuel pump-it was fine


Other problems that I hope could be related: (of course they won’t be…)

During his check on everything above, my mechanic was able to adjust the idle so that my car will now idle, (really high but it makes my job easier!) However, that didn’t help. Instead—at the same time, my car won’t start quite frequently. Related?


Other note: as I drive, when the loss of power thing happens, I tried leaving my foot on the gas. After it jerks a couple of times, it revs WAY up. Perhaps a problem with the carburetor?


Thank you everyone who read through this and is able to help me. Perfect would be someone who has had the same problem(s) and can help. But if you even have any ideas that will at least give us something to work off of I would appreciate it a lot!

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I know this is very long, but please bear with me while I try to describe the problem…


Ok. I have a 1987 Subaru GL hatchback, 4wd, 187k. I have had the car about 3 years, before that my brother had it for about 3 years also. Starting about 5 months ago, my car would not idle if I took my foot off the gas. As a pizza delivery guy I just learned to keep one foot on the gas at all times, and lived with it. But—in the last month or so, my car has really lost power. I realize that it is a Subaru…but here is the problem:


In first gear, I can run up to about 2500 rpms, about 15mph, and it will do okay. But—after that if I keep giving it gas, it will choke out. It stopps giving power, and will do this jerky thingy. If I let off the gas, it will keep running, but I cannot give it more gas again without it choking. If I shift, and barely give it gas, I can continue to speed up, but again once I reach about 2500 rpms, it does the same thing. My mechanic was able to get it up to 50mph doing this, but still no power, and still unable to run over 2500 rpms.


The steps I have taken are:

*Air filter- AOK!

*Spark plugs—one was bent down. Fixed it, but it didn’t help

*Put car up on lift—took exhaust off bottom of engine. Car was able to wrap right up, but with a load—still same problem

*my mechanic checked the temps along the exhaust system—several hundred degrees before the first catty, after it only a little over 100

*thinking the front catty was clogged he cut a hole in the bottom of it and smashed the catalyst out. It was fine, and now I just have a loud car with no power.

*checked the fuel pump-it was fine


Other problems that I hope could be related: (of course they won’t be…)

During his check on everything above, my mechanic was able to adjust the idle so that my car will now idle, (really high but it makes my job easier!) However, that didn’t help. Instead—at the same time, my car won’t start quite frequently. Related?


Other note: as I drive, when the loss of power thing happens, I tried leaving my foot on the gas. After it jerks a couple of times, it revs WAY up. Perhaps a problem with the carburetor?


Thank you everyone who read through this and is able to help me. Perfect would be someone who has had the same problem(s) and can help. But if you even have any ideas that will at least give us something to work off of I would appreciate it a lot!


You need a new mechanic. He not fixing the car hes butchering it.

Did anyone check the timing?



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yeah no doubt cats are like really expensive.. I think your mechanic should sit down and read a little about an old soob!! but that sounds just like a carb problem .. my freinds ea71 carb chokes out kinda like that not as bad as yours but its getting there.. buy a rebuild kit for like 50 bucks.. or go get a new weber hahahaha weber pwns:headbang:

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Thank you all for your help! I will do some checking now. And as for my mechanic--I gotta admit that he said it might not fix the problem, but I said go ahead and do it. I also must add that in Kansas we have no emissions tests. So, you are allowed to do things like that to "test" and see what is wrong with a car. Perhaps in a few years we will decide that that wasn't the problem and fix it... :)


If anyone else has anything to add still--please feel free!


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I just went out to check some things and have some additional observations:


*I started it, ran it for a few minutes, then tried wrapping 4k. As I reached it (somewhere between 3.5 and 4) there were two loud-ish pops. Not quite like a backfire, but definately some sort of misfire. They came from up under the car, but I imagine that if there was not a hole in my front cat that the sound would have come from the back.


*I tried about floring it right after I shifted each time to see what would happen. Supprisingly, it still seemed to reach the 2500 as usual, but then wouldn't go any faster.


*After I reached the "go no more" point, I tried continuing to give it gas and watched the tach. Each time it would hold right about 2500, but then fall rapidly as the engine sputtered and lost all power. (and began jerking....which by the way I think is going to give me whiplash or something else if I keep it up) :slobber:


*Final note: I observed that once I had the engine warmed up a little, I could make it to that "go no more" point quite easily, as if nothing was wrong. However, once I reach that point after each shift, I loose all power until I shift again. Man does it stink going 35mph in 5th...


Thanks all for your help! I reaally do appreciate it!



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I don't know if this will help, but my first subaru ( an 85 DL wagon )I got really cheap cause of a leaking altitude compensator. The thing would act up sporadically. The previous owner had it to 5 shops, spent over $1000, changed disty 3 times, rebuilt carb 2 times,changed plugs, wires, cap, rotor 2 times, and a new fuel pump, filter, and 1 coil.He did the carb cleaner test looking for vacuum leaks at intake and all the obvious places.Then it would reapper for no apparent reason. Had normal vacuum readings till it acted up, then it would be all over the place, Then after a few days it would straighten itself out.It would buck and jerk convulsively at midrange but was fine at up to 1500 or full throttle. I had the car 2 mos. before I had a clue where to look. One day as it was acting up I went and got a jug of water and dribbled it all over the vacuum ports and lines and diaphrams. All of a sudden it straightened out and ran perfect for 3 or 4 minutes, then started all over again. So I poured water over the same spot and voil'a, it quit. Leaky ALTITUDE COMP. DIAPHRAM. Bypassed it with $3.00 worth of hose and caps and never had another problem! Next time I saw the guy I bought it from I told him what the prob. was. He kicked hisself right in the spongebob square pants!

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