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96 OBW 2.5 AT

So after reading some posts on this forum, I started to realize that I am not sure if the AT temp light is supposed to come on at all when the car is first started. I noticed the light blink a few times on start-up, but not 16 times, and sorry but I do not know the exact number of blinks. Should I start counting the blinks? What will the number of blinks tell me? The only problems I've had with my transmission (if they're even caused by the tranny) are an occasional hard shift out of first, and a problem that only happens on one stretch of highway where the car will shutter as it passes over the top of the hill, and the tranny doesn't seem to want to stay in drive, only OD or 3rd, but that's only in one spot on one highway (so far).


Any help you all could give me would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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If you had a problem with your transmission, the POWER light should blink, not the AT TEMP light.


I don't remember whether it's supposed to come on when you start the car or not. I'll have to double-check on my 93 wagon.


When you're driving, the only time the AT TEMP light should come on would be if, well, the ATF gets too hot :). In that case, you should just pull over and sit for a while to let it cool down.

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16 blinks on the temp light means that there is a fault electrically in the transmission and the codes need to be pulled. I am in the same boat, as my duty c solenoid fried , the car goes to the dealer thursday.

You need to have this investigated sooner then later.



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96 OBW 2.5 AT

So after reading some posts on this forum, I started to realize that I am not sure if the AT temp light is supposed to come on at all when the car is first started. I noticed the light blink a few times on start-up, but not 16 times, and sorry but I do not know the exact number of blinks.[...]

For a '96, the AT temp light should be lit when the key is ON, but the engine hasn't been started. Once the engine is started, the light should remain on for about 2 seconds, then go off and stay off if all is okay. The 16 blinks that indicate a problem follow the initial 2-second on time; they're supposed to be in 4 groups of 4 each (1/4 second long, separated by 1/4 second), with each group of 4 separated by a 2-second off period, according to Subaru.

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For a '96, the AT temp light should be lit when the key is ON, but the engine hasn't been started. Once the engine is started, the light should remain on for about 2 seconds, then go off and stay off if all is okay. The 16 blinks that indicate a problem follow the initial 2-second on time; they're supposed to be in 4 groups of 4 each (1/4 second long, separated by 1/4 second), with each group of 4 separated by a 2-second off period, according to Subaru.


the 16 blinks tell you that there is a fault. then you have to play with the connectors to get the code, which is the grouping your talking about.


Lets ask a basic question, how is the car driving, any signs of torque bind?



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What is the definition of torque bind?



heheh have a seat grasshopper


Do a search and there are pages and pages. I think im the resident expert on it, and today i got it (mumble) 3 days after the tranny light started flashing.


If you feel a binding or sort of drag on tight Turns. It may be worse on one direction then others, but failry obvious backing out of a parking space. the car wont roll without you giving it gas, and then it feels like your pushing something.


It can quickly destroy your awd clutch pack if it gets too bad. The normal way of fixing it 90% of the time is a tranny flush, but when the light is flashing you MUST have somone look at it if your not qualified, as you can make a 250.00 repair into an 800.00 repair.



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I do believe I have felt a sort of drag on some tight turns, but not backing up, seems like it depends on the day.


I just had a tranny flush a couple months ago... so what should i do if i have torque bind and the tranny flush didn't fix it?


Driving around town there aren't any problems, most of my highway driving experiences have been trouble free, except for a problem spot on one highway. Mostly I'm just paranoid about going on a long drive, especially over the mountains because of the small problems I have every once in a wihle. I'm just hoping that there isn't something sinister waiting to pop up when i'm most vulnerable.

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Truth be told, I havent driven for over a week (i bike to and from work, it's only 2 miles) and i've been letting my girlfriend take the car to work (yes, I'm a brave soul), so I thought the at temp light might have been flashing... but it's not. it comes on when I turn the ignition on, and goes off a little bit after the car starts. No biggie. Also, I put the car in reverse, and don't need to touch the gas at all. It backs up just fine on its own.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... I apologize for the fact that I am a hypocardriach and always expect the worst. One thing is for sure, I need to get my brakes fixed because they're grinding something nasty. I checked the front pass. side rotor, and there's a rust colored ring, about 1.5" wide... definitely cause for concern.

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get the tranny looked at. This is NOT a light to ignore. you can ignore a cel if there is no drivability issue, or until inspection time, but ignoring that light, if its TB eventually the ar wont turn corners and you will have a 800.00 repair.

Under the hood is a FWD fuse holder. Put a fuse in it. If the TB goes away your solenoid is fine, and you have a deeper i$$ue. If it has no effect it means your solenoid is fried and you get the cheaper repair.


how long has this light been flashing?




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the 16 blinks tell you that there is a fault. then you have to play with the connectors to get the code, which is the grouping your talking about.

Subaru must have changed the design, because on page 13 of http://endwrench.com/images/pdfs/4EATPh1Win04.pdf they describe the 16 blinks as 4 groups of 4. Other info does indeed seem to show the 16 blinks as a string of 1/4 second on/offs with no additional pauses. This has nothing to do with the fault codes themselves, by the way, which require use of diagnostic connector B82 and ground probe, etc., to retrieve.


See my previous post, which has a link to an earlier thread with good diagnostic info, etc.: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showpost.php?p=478251

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So what if i think i feel some signs of torque bind (keep in mind I sometimes think things are worse than they really are), even though the light isn't blinking. Should I take it to a tranny shop? Does anybody know of a good suby tech in the portland, OR metro area who won't make me give up all my cash?

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Subaru must have changed the design, because on page 13 of http://endwrench.com/images/pdfs/4EATPh1Win04.pdf they describe the 16 blinks as 4 groups of 4. Other info does indeed seem to show the 16 blinks as a string of 1/4 second on/offs with no additional pauses. This has nothing to do with the fault codes themselves, by the way, which require use of diagnostic connector B82 and ground probe, etc., to retrieve.


See my previous post, which has a link to an earlier thread with good diagnostic info, etc.: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showpost.php?p=478251



Well i have documentation from you? that says 16 blinks mean that you have to play with the diagnostics connector to pull the codes. Once you get into the diagnostics then you have the blinky codes> it says it will blink 16 times 0.25 seconds apart after an initial 2 seconds on.

i can send you the documentation i have.



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[...]so I thought the at temp light might have been flashing... but it's not. it comes on when I turn the ignition on, and goes off a little bit after the car starts.
That's the normal operation I described above.



[...]One thing is for sure, I need to get my brakes fixed because they're grinding something nasty. I checked the front pass. side rotor, and there's a rust colored ring, about 1.5" wide... definitely cause for concern.
Yes, that would appear to be significant. I'm not sure who is braver, you for biking or your GF for driving a car with those brakes ;) .
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Well i have documentation from you? that says 16 blinks mean that you have to play with the diagnostics connector to pull the codes. Once you get into the diagnostics then you have the blinky codes> it says it will blink 16 times 0.25 seconds apart after an initial 2 seconds on.

i can send you the documentation i have.

Other than the apparent confusion (Subaru's fault :rolleyes::) ) over the 16 blinks being in groups of 4 or not, I think we're saying the same thing. The 16 blinks just indicate a fault exists (they're not themselves a code), and you indeed have to do the diagnostic stuff to get the actual code(s).


Thanks for the offer of the docs, but I already seem to have what I need.



sure your just all screwing with my mind while im on pain meds....:)


your all out to get me thats it:lol:


i know:brow:

I hope that clears up any confusion, no matter who it is that's confused :-\ ;):lol: . As I'm sure you know, sleep deprivation can do wonders for your mind too, so that's it for me tonight (especially since I just noticed it's now "tomorrow"!).
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I hope that clears up any confusion, no matter who it is that's confused :-\ ;):lol: . As I'm sure you know, sleep deprivation can do wonders for your mind too, so that's it for me tonight (especially since I just noticed it's now "tomorrow"!).


well its yesterday someplace else :headbang:



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