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Problems with my shift lever. The button on the lever does not engage all the way, so it is stuck in Park, luckily in my driveway.



I am expecting that I will simply have to replace the lever, anyone know of another common problem to cause this???


What is the best way to remove the console around it? Do I need a shop tool for the clips?


I am thinking this is an easy fix, I just need the time. Any differing opinions?



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There is a solenoid tied to the brake pedal that prevents shifting into any gear unless you have the brake depressed.


You should hear and feel a fairly loud click by the shift lever when you press the pedal. If you do not, the switch could on the pedal could be bad, it could be disconnected for some reason, or need adjustment? There may be a relay, not sure.


I have never had to do this, but I think you can pry the gear select panel up and use a screw driver to bypass the solenoid, allowing you to shift.

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