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HELP!!! timing-idler stuff on a loyale

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my haynes book is about as usefull as toilet paper for this project. i have found parts on ebay that are about 25 bucks a pop. now i need to know exactly how to put them on and how to get the old ones off. the idle pulley and tensioner are broken so the timing belt isn't moving right and it's making a loud rattle from the belt being loose and so forth and i can't get my car to stay running. so can someone please tell me either where i can get a good guide for this or walk me through it>?


it's a 90 loyale 4wd auto ohc 1.8l


please please please please help me. otherwise, i will be forced to buy a taurus!:eek:


if you want to contact me off of here, my email is aprilmicci@hotmail.com

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I thought the only real problem with the Haynes manual was the part that described the rotation of the engine when changing the timing belts.


You could try going to your local library and see what info you can find there for reference. You can usually find factory manuals for sale on Ebay for a good price, though there are none for sale currently for your model year. One other good reference book is "How To Keep Your Subaru Alive". You can find used copies on Amazon.com.

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Most of it can be figured out by just looking at it, assuming a reasonable level of mechanical ability. The tensioners and idlers just unbolt normally, the only thing to pay attention to is which tensioner goes on which side and where the tensioners' springs attach.


The timing belt alignment is a little less obvious, but pretty easy nonetheless.

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