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We have a 2001 Outback automatic with 76,000km. I drove it for the first time in a few of months a couple of weeks ago and noticed a wicked shimmy from the steering wheel when light or heavy braking was applied at speeds over 90km. It has had brake problems in the past with squeeling, pads & rotors were replaced under warranty by the dealer. With the snow now here I had the winter tires and rims fitted yesterday and the problem is still there. All the tires are spec and in good shape. Does anyone have any ideas on this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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I would strongly recommend Mintex OE replacement pads. Better friction and temp stability than stock, but not extreme enough to cause new problems.


Overheated pads tend to transfer material to the rotor surface in little blobs, which in turn causes brake judder.Turning the rotors will NOT cure the problem. The bits of randomly transferred pad material give local hot spots which will cause hardning of the steel beneath. This will cause shudder again. Don't waste your time or money on machining the rotors.


OE rotors will work well with Mintex, but consider getting some slotted rotors instead. There is a serious improvement in braking performance to be gained from letting the hot gases from the pads escape down the slots. Pad life will shorten though. Mine last 20k miles.


EBC rotors are good at the price, but for goodness sake, do NOT use their pads!

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