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body/engine question

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okay stupid question i am planning on buying an old turbo wagon/sedan for a project and i was wondering if subaru put an ea82t into a car with the 4 headlight front end. i just like it better thats all.

if not has any one swapped the light cluster plus grill into an ea82 car. any ideas on difficulty is it possable?

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there's like 20 the broblem is i want an ea82t if i go any where with this i am going to have one awsome wagon. i have been looking at stuff and this car is going to be insane if i can store my six somewhere can't have three cars outfront at once the neighbors get pissed etc. other factors involved but eather way this car will be cool

i want to do a little bit of reasearch before i say more but when i'm ready i'll get a list of planned mods

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i like the look of that red one but clutch cables are a pain in the rump roast

also it must be a 5spd

edit: also i'm waiting on my next paycheck and i have to figure out what to do with the six because i'm not selling it

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In an earlier ad, he mentioned it needed a clutch cable, but turned out to be the clutch. So, I'd ask him about that. For $500 though, and even if you need to put in a clutch and a cable, not a bad deal. It'd give you a chance to put in an XT6 clutch, pp, and flywheel :brow:

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