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Winch Bumper installed with special centerlamp adapter...

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I've had the Winch bumper sitting around for a while, and never got it installed on anything until tonight...


I have the winch too, but it's not installed yet... and I don't have the big skid plate for the bottom, but I do have the 2 bar loop piece that mounts to the bottom of the crossmember.




and in 1980-81 if you got this optional bumper on your GL 4WD, there were 2 special pieces needed to change the location of the centerlamp motor, because the back edge of the bumper sits right where the motor would.


I got the whole centerlamp assembly, and the 2 special pieces along with the brushguard, but the wire connections on the motor for it were totally corroded away leaving a big hole into the motor, so I had to retrofit the 2 pieces onto the '82 centerlamp that was already installed on my hatch when I got it...

after a few minutes of testing, the door was working the opposite of what it was supposed to. had to take the cover off the motor gearbox, and turn the shaft 180 degrees, since the motor is now facing the opposite direction of "normal". all is well now :)



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Pretty wild! I wish i had known about that setup when I did my air cooled vanagon cyclops light...i had a lot of space problems and this probably woulda solved it. Eventually Ill do it to the 84.

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